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winding knob problem


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Mechanically I'm puzzled trying to think of how this could be unless a)you were accidentally turning the crank the wrong way and it has unthreaded partially (but if you continued turning it more than a few turns it would have come off entirely); b)both of the fork tines broke off; or c)the angled coupling (I call it a U-joint but it's not really and there's an engineering term for it that escapes me)has failed. The latter two are highly unlikely but nothing's possible. Sherry once told me the rewind forks in the M6's are very brittle and prone to breaking, but then again she's told me a lot of really colorful tales in the past. Maybe there's something to this one. Anyway, I suggest that you take the camera into a light-tight room or use a changing bag or an overcoat with the sleeves tied up, remove the film and rewind it by hand, then you'll be able to examine the camera. Repair of the rewind mechanism on those with the angled crank isn't a big deal, however a)Leica repair parts are always staggeringly priced compared to what sensibility tells you they should be based on their simpicity; and b)many Leica repairpeople will not do partial repairs and mandate an overhaul.
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The only thing I can think of is that somehow you let go of the rewind crank and the tension of the film made it reverse quite a bit. Then when you started winding again, it seemed like it was finished.


Or, reverse winding and the film broke.


Take the film out, and with the camera open, put your finger in the compartment where the film cannister goes. Now rotate the film rewind crank - do the engagement tabs rotate?

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Thank you, Jay and Charles,


after posting my question and while hoping for answers, I did go to the darkroom to get the film out by manually spooling it, and it did not come out. I had to loosen it in the rear window and pull it out. It seems that I actually managed to break the film's spool rather than the winding knob. (Or so I hope at this point!)


However, the winding knob is sticking out higher than usual. You said something about winding the wrong way and it would come off entirely. Maybe I did really wind it the wrong way by accident. I'll try to turn it the right way with resistance to bring it all the way back again.



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First, work on a table with a soft surface like a cloth, to avoid the camera slipping. Then take a tiny jeweler's screwdriver and *slightly* loosen the setscrew in the side of the rewind knob(you can see it when you flip the crank open). Don't back it off too far, it's very short and tiny and if it comes off you'll likely lose it. Place some object like a wooden dowel into the chamber to halt the fork, then turn the crank clockwise until it's tight. Don't use pliers on the knob! Then tighten the setscrew.
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What really happened: The film got torn inside the cartridge, at the very end. However, your hints about fixing the rewind knob were extremely useful. Seymour is right with his comment about remotely administering aid, but in my book, all who tried to help seemed very qualified! As for me, I have done some troubleshooting and repair on my Hasselblad cameras, but I'm relatively new to the Leica world and appreciate the help the members of this forum so readily give.



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