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Machias Seal Island


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Stan also check the Mainebirding website. You can send Capt Paterson from BOLD COAST CHARTERS an email to see if Machias is closed. He also goes to Machias. Hes very nice and will try to help if he can. His email is on the maine birding website.http://mainebhttp://mainebirding.net/puffin.shtml
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - The Canadian Govt ( CWS) has closed the Island to visitors

as it is considered Canadian Territory by Canada :-)


Note that there is some dispute over ownership of the Island

at least on the part of the US. I believe that the US Captain has

indicated that he will ignore Canadian regulations. Depending

on how the Canadian Coastguard or Canadian Wildlfe Service takes it - it could be an exciting trip if he proceeds to visit the Island

as he has indicated he would on Canadian Radio (CBC).


Course - all this may of been resolved by diplomacy but I suspect if he is saying he has tours - it has not.


David Seeler

Charlottetown PEI

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, just got back from Machias Seal Island yesterday. We landed without any problems. The stewards on the island were very helpful and cordial. They helped get everybody and their equipment off the tender and over the slippery rocks which were really treacherous at low tide. One of the issues the Canadian government has is over the safety of the landing area. They probably have a point. There isn't one! They just beach the boat between a gap in the rocks...no docks or handholds, you just have to hang on to a helping hand. We had really tough shooting conditions, heavy fog with 1/4 mile visibilty or less, and 4-6 foot seas. Made it seem something like a cross between Gilligan's Island and the Perfect Storm. There were however, tons of puffins, auks, and those divebombing terns. Don't forget to bring a hat if you go.<div>001U7U-4672484.jpg.60b35266226e2b1220a8c2c223369134.jpg</div>
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