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Mamiya RZ Winder II and 220 Film


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Alright you RZ jockeys, I'm wondering whether anyone else has

experienced this with their winders.


I shoot a lot of color neg for portraits, publicity, and various

commercial work, and I've recently started using 220 emulsions more

and more often to avoid reloading so much.


I used to have 4 120 backs I would load, but have since traded 2 of

those for 220 backs. When using the 220 backs I notice there is

coonsiderably more tension when winding the film on. It causes my

winder to really chew through the batteries compared to using 120



When I asked Mamiya Tech Service about it they told me the 220 backs

always have more film tension because you are pulling a longer load

through the back, and the pressure plate has to be tighter to hold

the film flat since there is no paper backing.


That makes sense, but I still want to send my winder in to be

checked...the problem is I use it constantly so it's hard to be

without it...I do not like winding film by hand!


If you don't understand that, try shooting 30 rolls of 220 in a

session and you will!


Thanks for your input.

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Hi Moses,


One thing that I can always count on in this site, is that if I have a leaning towards trying somethng new, I can always count on someone else at photo.net having tried it first! I'd be interested in hearing what you found out Moses, re: the winder and batteries and tension. I wind maually, with 120 backs. I have recently being thinking about getting the power winder II, and the 220 backs. Low and bold, there you are unearthing a problem!


Regards, Jared Purdy

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