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Tokina 28-70mm vs. 28-80mm f/2.8


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Another non-techie person seeking advice�..

I�ve been happily using prime lenses shooting nature. However, now

I find it difficult to do journalist work with them. I have

narrowed my choice to 2 Tokina lenses. Now I�m lost. 

� 28-70mm f/2.8 ATX Pro-SV $279

� 28-80mm f/2.8 AT-X 280AF $500 after rebate

So I�m wondering: besides the last 10mm, is there any other

significant difference? Sharpness? I find people have different

standards on �soft� images. So if you recommend one lens vs. the

other, a photo to show the quality difference will be great!


(For camera bodies, I have Nikon F100 & D100. )


Much appreciated,

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Seriously you already have approximately $2500 USD invested in cameras, why skimp now with third party glass?? Search the archives and make your best decision. I realize you probably don't have unlimited funds and the 28-70AFS is expensive but I don't think you will get the best out of your D100 with third party glass. Just my 2 cents.
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I would save up and spend the money on either the aforementioned 28-70 AF-s or the 17-35 AF-s. Both of those seem to be pretty solid photojournalism choices. If it has to be one of those two, go with the 28-80. You never know when 10mm more focal length will be helpful.
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Sometimes the ridiculous prices Nikon charges for some Nikkors forces one to do the unspeakable (to some) deed and buy a non-Nikkor lens. I cannot imagine putting the money down that Nikon wants for the 28-70 AF-S zoom -- the price is ridiculous (as far as I am concerned) unless I were a pro and could make money with this lens.


I own the Tokina 28-80 f/2.8 and find it splendid. It is certainly comparable to a Nikkor product in terms of robustness of build and quality of image. I would not hesitate to subject any image I made with this lens to the most rigorous critical examination, in one-to-one comparison with images made with the Nikkors. I have won prizes with images made with this lens.


Not clear why Tokina sells two f/2.8 zooms at this focal length. There is a rumor that the 28-70 f/2.6-2.8 is a copy of a lens design by a now-defunct company called Angeneux which was supposed to be legindary in its day -- maybe that's why Tokina keeps putting it out.


I also know that the Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 has been very well reviewed and is certainly worth a look. If you search archives and around the WWW on review sites you will find lots of discussions of all these lenses.


The obvious Nikkor alternative among affordable zooms is the 35-70 f/2.8 zoom, which may or may not still be made, but clean used ones ought to be available from KEH. This lens is tack-sharp but you have to like push-pull zooms (which I don't) to enjoy using this lens. The other alternative is to remember that 28-70/80 is not all that much of a zoom range, so if you put down $85 you can get a lightning-fast tack-sharp 50 mm f/1.8 prime lens and zoom with your feet.

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I beg to differ with John: I have a Tokina 28-80/2.8 AT-X PRO and, although extremely well built, optically it is quite disappointing.


Pretty much unusable wide open (corner sharpness is so bad that you can see in the viewfinder the lens is soft). Corner sharpness climbs to acceptable levels at about f/5.6, by which time you ask yourself why you paid for (and carry) the additional two stops. I went to the Swiss Tokina distributor (I live in Zurich) and tried a couple of other 20-80s. I haven't got a lemon: they are all so bad.


Wide open it's definitely and by far the worst lens I own. The only positive thing I can say is that it recovers pretty well when closed down a couple of stops. Good for landscapes, if you like weight lifting. :-)

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