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Different Flashes for Indoor and outdoor work?


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I'm new to MF. I'm trying to learn to take my time and "create

images" with a true understanding of how things work. I no longer

want to rely on automatic "gadgets". I recently puchased a new

Hasselblad 501 cm to begin my education.

I like to take wildlife pictures (outdoors at varying distances) as

well as informal shots of my family and occasionally a formal

portrait. My film choice is Velvia for outdoors and NPH or NPS for

indoors. My wildlife shots may be at any time of day or night and my

inside shots are taken in average to not so good incandescant home

lighting. Is there a "one works for everything" flash, or would two

different flashes produce the best results?

Any opinions or ideas would be greatly appreciated


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Hi Mike. As far as flash is concerned with the Hassy, and you'll probably get many references concerning this, any flash will do, but there are of course some better than others. Look for high quide number, compatability thru the SCA connector, as well as angle of flash and ability to ZOOM for wildlife shots. Many use the Metz/Lumedyne line for weddings; Strobes or packs for portraits. I don't know what they would use for wildlife with the 501. I do question shooting wildlife with a 501? Big lenses which are common in this work are extremely expensive in this line, and its not the fastest camera to use in this field of endeavor. Those dern animals can be fast, and most use fast AF equipment. Maybe wadding birds are different. (^: Different cameras for different subjects are the reason why some of us own multiple camera systems.
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I have been a Hasselblad user for the past 25 years and like you are doing now, I do not care for all of that automatic "stuff" even though I have evolved to the 503CW. Except that is for on camera hand held flash.

Let me suggest a 2 flash setup that will treat you right.

for on camera flash, i use a Quantum X-2. I don't use the ttl feature of my camera because quantum's eye on the x-2 works very very well. I also use a lumedyne flash as an off camera unit on a ligh stand when I need it. If you shop you can find these units used. You will need a good light meter. I like the Minolta IV. I have used the Minolta 11 and 111 and tested a V and find that the IV is just as good as if not better than the V. I would suggest an umbrella for the lumedyne, and with these two lights you can do very beautiful portraits (bounce the on camera off the ceiling for fill) and you could also do great weddings if you wanted. As for wildlife, I would go with fast film and natural light before I would try using a hasselblad with a flash for wildlife photography. good luck. kevin

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