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Inkjet Negatives for color prints


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Is it possible to print a negative on a transparency, say 8" x 10"

using an inkjet printer and then make contact colour prints ? - I was

just wondering if this was possible since the contrast, color

corection etc could be digitally incorporated in the neg before it is

printed so that the contact prints could be made even without the use

of CC Filters....

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Manufacturing large negatives for contact prints is plausible if

you are going to use some kind of alternative process like platinum

printing, which requires contact-print-size negatives. Are you

contemplating color separations or some other unusual printing


It seems to me that you could just print the scanned/corrected

image directly onto paper in any of several ways (ink-jet, dye-sub,

or (nearly) conventional laser+photo printing), without a new negative.

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Thank you Edward for your tip, I'll try to locate the article and go through it - perhaps it will shed some light on this process.


Mike , I wanted to do away with the orange mask and the color correction filters so as to make the darkroom contact printing setup as simple as possible, but perhaps the orange mask on negs is there for some reason- got to find out if I can do without the orange mask- Thanks for your tip


Richard, I have a photogallery in India and my photo enlargements have to be done at a digital lab a few hundred kilometers away ,since I have digitised my pics and have made a few modifications to my photographs. The photoprinter used for the enlargements is -Durst Epsilon 30 - digital LED printer. Now that all my photographs have been digitally modified, and are better than the original ( negs 35mm) I felt the need to make digital inkjet negs so that I can print the photographs at home. I was just wondering if I could do away with all the enlargement hassle, by contact printing large inkjet negatives directly onto photopaper--- Just wondering if this can be done.....

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Edward wrote:


< There is an article in the Jan/Feb 2004 issue of "View Camera" magazine on using inkjet "negatives" for contact prints. >


The author didn't address the question of how he was able to get the Light Magenta and Magenta inks to show up on non-panchromatic enlarging or contact printing papers. Epson printers are designed to create B&W by laying down a matrix of colors from all the cartridges in the printer.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks everyone for your feedback. I did try to print an inkjet negative to get positive color prints. Though the results werent negative - they werent postive either ;) Well, it did turn out that the negative printed by me did not have the required density since inkjets are not able to reporduce the heavy density that conventional negs give.

When the contact sheet was printed by me I got poor contrast color pics. The contrast is really very bad, and the colors are not very rich. But I presume that with a little bit or perseverance, experimentation, guidance and grace- I might be able to just make it - i.e to get a fairly decent print.

However I would like to thank the group for your feedback and guidance and would appreciate any information that you might want to share with me/group whenever you have new leads or as and when you find something new regarding Inkjet Digital negs ( Color)

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