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Rookie question on exposure


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open up 2 steps means moving the f-stop ring two steps to a bigger size

diagraphm, for example,from f11 to f5.6 or from f5.6 to 2.8...close down i step

means to move the ring from f11 to f8 or from f8 to f5.6. each time you open

one step you double the amount of light passing trough the lens,each time

you close one step,you cut the light to a half...

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It normallly refers to the aperature setting


Let say you have a f2 lens on your camera


f2 is the widest aperture. This is also known as fully open.


The aperture ring will also have the following numbers marked on it:










The larger the number, the smaller the aperture


so going from 5.6 to 8 is closing down by one stop


going from 11 to 5.6 is opening up by 2 stops.


The pictorial effect is that the larger the aperture (eg f2) the shallower the depth of field, and the larger the number (eg f16), the greater the depth of field


hope this helps



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