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max g.

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I can help with one:


A step ring is used to convert a filter of one size to be usable on a lens of a different filter size. Many of us only buy filters for our biggest lens. We then buy step down rings to fit the filters to other lenses. You can also go the other way with a step up ring.

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A step up rings allows you to put a large filter(eg 72mm) on a small lens (eg 62mm)


A step down ring allows you to put a small filter (eg52mm) on a large lens (eg 58mm)


The terminology is lens to filter


Lens adaptors; each manufacturer has its own lens mount Canon, Nikon, pentax are all different. A lens adaptor allows you to fit say a Nikon lens onto a Canon body


Power booster. In the case of Canon this is an extra battery pack that allows the camera to run off AA batteries or a rechargeable pack, rather than 6v lithium camera batteries and also allows a faster advance speed. In the case of a Canon EOS3, without a booster the max adavance speed is about 4 frames per second (fps) with the PBE2 it rises to about 6 fps and if you then add the rechargeable battery pack it rises to 7 fps

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Here's a new word for you.


Register. When applied to camera bodies, it means flange-to-film distance.


Why does it matter to you? Because different mount systems have different registers. You mentioned Praktica, Canon (FD, I hope), and Nikon. Their registers are 45.50 mm, 42.00 mm, and 46.50 mm respectively.


So what? There are adapters (thin, obviously) that will fit between a lens in M42x1 mount and a Canon FD body and that will allow the lens to focus to infinity. Canon used to sell them. There's not enough room for such an adapter between an M42x1 lens and a Nikon body. So you can't use your old lenses on a Nikon. That's what.





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Thanks allot peeps, so could I use my Praktica lenses with a Canon or Nikon? Because that would be the main reason for not upgrading the body, id have to get new lenses to fit it. Help much apriciated


Max - didn't you ask this Praktica-Nikon/Canon question already and already got responses?? If you want to keep the lenses, get another Praktica body; if you want a new Nikon/Canon body, you need new lenses.

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Yes KL IX i have, im sorry but all this new camera information is confusing me so i must of asked same question by mistake. AL Kaplan- Thank you also, that does help quit a bit, narrows my search down atleast! Thanks again everyone.


Max G.

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