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Digital Bessa


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Stephan Gandy put up new pages on this camera on his website cameraquest.com:<br><br>

<a href="http://www.cameraquest.com/voigtbessadigital.htm">Epson Bessa</a><br><br>

<a href="http://www.cameraquest.com/voigtpma2004.htm">Voigtlander at PMA 2004</a><br><br>

Summarizing, he guesses it'll cost more than an M7/MP does now; also the Leica M digital is supposed to come out in 2006 and cost around $6000.00 (US) according to what he called private estimates; also, he speculates on the specifications guessing that the Bessa will have a 6 Megapixel APS size sensor and Auto Exposure lock and a number of other features; and guesses that the inclusion manual shutter winder is probably designed to appeal to the RF crowd and to conserve battery power (which makes sense).<br><br>

Also, he adds his usual amusing editorial observations such as: "Far too many new cameras give the impression they were designed by computer freaks instead of photographers" (which is true); and he talks about the newest Voigtlander lens (the 35mm f2.5 pancake II, which is according to him modeled closely after the Pre-Asph Summicron) and the new "Slim line" 28mm/35mm metal finder (which looks like a good fit with the old screw mount camerae of which with the older fatter finder I always found really hard to lift and turn the fast shutter speed dial (in other words with the older fatter finder it was sort of a PITA)).<br><br>

Remember, more information should be available from Epson and Voigtlander/Cosina on or about March 11th, 2004.

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