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Turning 10D Flash Off -Using Strobe


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Is there a custom function for turning the camera flash off so I can

use an off camera strobe through my sync cord connection. The only

way I can get the strobe to fire is with the camera flash turned on.

I would like to turn the camera flash off and just fire the strobe.

Thanks Rich

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First suggestion is to read the manual. Check out C.Fn. - #5.


And no, the external flash does not have to be in manual mode, nor does the camera. (Where do people get this mis-information from?) External flash works in all modes. (Well, P,M,Av, and Tv. I don't mess with other modes.)


I think the custom function you want is 2. However, my 10D is set to the default of 0 and my external 550 flash works just fine. On camera or with the off-camera cord.

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Doug,<br>I think Rich means a studio strobe connected to the PC sync outlet, not an ETTL flash connected via an Off Camera Shoe Cord 2.<p>Rich,<br>If you are using a studio strobe on the PC outlet, have no hotshoe strobe attached, have the popup flash closed, and set the camera to "M" and set both aperture and shutter speed manually, it should work fine. I can't think of any other way to effectively use a studio strobe.<p>If this is the case, I agree with Giampiero about using "M" manual mode. Any other mode will screw up your exposure since the exposure set by the camera will not take a studio strobe into consideration and will set exposure based on ambient light (plus flash if the built-in flash is popped up or if a Speedlite attached).<p><i>" The only way I can get the strobe to fire is with the camera flash turned on."</i><br>But why is the camera flash popped up, or why is a Speedlite attached to the hotshoe in the first place if you are using manual strobes? You aren't using a basic mode such as Portrait, are you? The camera only controls whether or not to pop up the flash in the basic modes.
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To: Doug Giampeiro, Phil & Maureen

Thanks for the suggestions, I am set up in the Manual Mode. I have my studio strobe running through my cord. The strobe fires just fine when I manually pop up the camera flash. When I keep the camera flash down the strobe will not fire. I went through custom function 5 as suggested and tried all the variations there and thought one of those might be a solution but none of those options triggered the strobe with the flash being down. I think I am going to have to buy a hotshoe transmitter to get the result I want. This is for a portrait set up and I do not want the front light coming off the camera flash. Does anyone know if the Canon transmitter will fire other studio strobes or is it just for Speedlites?

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<a href=mailto:uce@ftc.gov></a>

Here is a suggestion from the EOSdoc:<BR>

<a name=blankFEL target=_top href=




Another trick that I have used to prevent my <a target=_top href=


>Elan 7E</a> from firing its popup flash is to jam a plastic shim

(made from an empty film cansiter container) into the hotshoe to

fool the camera into thinking that there is a flash attached. This

works for PIC as well as for Creative modes.

Maybe this could also work for your 10D? See:<BR>

<a target=_top href=



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DOUG - I meant the *CAMERA* must be in MANUAL mode, and it does.


I have been using my 10D with studio strobes right out of the box. I didn't have to change ANY Cf at all, nor do I recall one which would turn the PC on/off. You may want to try and re-set the camera...also, make sure you set your shutter to 1/60 as not all strobes sync at faster speed (FYI)


As far as voltages go I use a WEIN Safe Sync, which I would strongly suggest to any one using Studio strobes on the 10D.

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>>I think I am going to have to buy a hotshoe transmitter to get the result I want.<<


there is absolutely no reason to spend the money. Your PC contact is supposed to work, if it doesn't (and it's not user error) Canon should fix it.


In my small studio I use the 10D with three Strobes (monoblocks) and it all works great with the PC cord. There's no reason why your shouldn't. Just to make things clear: what brand/model Strobe are you using? What shutter speed are you using?

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The cannon will also fire the strobes through the PC port if you have the WB mode set to flash and the internal flash closed. However, even though it will fire the flash in all of the creative modes, the exposure is generally wrong. On my 10D, the shutter is automatically set to 1/250, but unless I'm in manual mode, the exposures are wrong because the aperture is not set correctly.
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I have a Bosh strobe DE-300B: Triggering Specification..........Sync Cord, Test Button and Sensor. I have been using 1/125 at f13 or f16 in the Manual mode with WB set on flash position. I have also tried at at other shutter speeds in the manual mode. I also did a reset on all camera settings. The sync cord is brand new from BH. The strobe is brand new, the test button on the strobe fires and the camera flash will trigger the strobe so it seems my strobe is not the culprit. This is starting to look like some type of problem with the sync cord connection on board the camera. I have sent an email inquiry into Canon Technical Support to see if they can provide any trouble shooting suggestions. Again, thanks to everyone for their ideas.
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You may have a chord problem. Sync cords are notoriously finicky if the connection is

at all loose. I always carry a spare cord. Another possibility is the type of cord. The

connector at the camera end is always the same, but the connector at the light end is

not. With my current setup, it uses a single jack at the light end of the cord, and I

can't plug it in wrong. I once rented some lighting equipment where the jack at the

light end was a two-pronged jack. It could plug in either direction. It wouldn't fire one

way, but worked fine if I flipped it over and plugged it in the other way. A less likely

possibility is that there is a malfunction in the camera. I use a 10D with studio strobe

lighting all the time, and have no problems with it. No CFs required. No hotshoe

slaves required.

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>>the camera flash will trigger the strobe<<


AH! I suspected that much - you are now triggering the strobe thru its built-in optical slave, right? in other words, you can unplug the PC cord and your camera flash will fire and trigger the strobe.


Then, as suggested, it must be the PC chord. >BTW< you should get a WEIN safe sync for safety. It will reduce the voltage from ANY strobes to a level compatible with the 10D (6v).

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