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Do I have to have an external viewfinder with 24mm lens?

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Some would say a .58 finder, or a .6 on the Hexar RF would do to give you the view of a

24mm lens and I have done this in a pinch. The external viewfinder, however, gives you

the proper perspective of the 24mm lens, and is a bit brighter. I use my 24mm lens on

any of my M bodies, but the easiest is on the M7. I check the focus and exposure quickly

through the rangefinder with exposure on auto, and then I compose and shoot one or

more frames through the external viewfinder. If it is sunny, the depth of field allows me to

zone focus, and I don't use the rangefinder at all.


Your choice of finder should probably depend on your second lens, as the 24 will work as

well with any of the current finders.

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In MY use with a .72 viewfinder (M2, M4, M6, M7) the full field of view of the viewfinder is adequate without using the assessory finder.

I have been using a 25 Voigtlander for years that way with complete satisfaction.


If you can make the 28 framelines visible you can just look

a little beyond those lines for a close approximation.


This will hardly work if you wear glasses however.

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If you do get a 24mm viewfinder, think about getting the 21 24 28

finder. Especially if you purchase a M3 which lacks a finder for

the 28. I have a 24 asph. and use this setup, but not on a M3. I

found this finder very good and with the wider setting, can look

around the edges to see what else might be lurking. Remember,

that none of these finders, and also the one on your Leica are

exact. The Leica being more accurate but not exact. The 24 asph

is a beautiful lens, and very sharp. if you do get a M3, try looking

for one that has been recently CLA (clean adjusted lubed) a

major tune up. I picked one up on e-bay that way. I use mine

however for the 90 or 135mm due to it's larger finder. I love it for

that. Just be careful shopping on e-bay. As you probably know,

all of the claims by e-bay about how they police their auctions are

a bunch of bull. Ever have a problem and they are not helpful.

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Wearing glasses, I really appreciate (and need) the external finder. However, I've used some form of external finders with 90 and 135 lenses for years, so switching from focussing to composition is second nature.


IMHO, a good finder for the 24mm (which I own and love) is a necessary accessory.

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"I should primarily below 50mm. Would an M3 be a bad choice?"


No, unless you plan to shoot 28 and 35. If you're shooting only superwides, the built-in finder doesn't make any difference since you'll be using external finders in any case.


In case you plan to use 28's and/or 35's, an M6TTL or later camera with an 0.58 finder gives you usable built-in framelines for the 28. ANY M besides the M3 has usable built-in framelines for the 35.

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  • 1 month later...

I have the 24-finder on the M7 (but do not look very often through it) or of course on the wonderful MDa with that nice satin like chrome, because it has no finder... As a LEICA CL user i go without external finder, because CL has has a .58 finder.

Do not forget: The 24mm-lens intrudes i.m.o. more in the 24mm-finder than in the rangefinder!?

On travelling i use the (very light) Voigtlaender 15mm finder with marks, made by me for 21mm and 24mm.

Beside: handbooks show that the real reproduced field at longer distances may be 20% more than the finder shows, so...


A great lens, the only of the ASPH models, i really like!


Have fun!


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