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Which Zeiss to choose - 100/3.5 or 110/2


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First, let me explain. I tested my lenses under "ideal" conditions

and found some pleasant and some unpleasant surprises. The latter

include my standard, normal lens to be a real bad performer wide open

and one stop down. At 5.6 it is o.k., but not more than that. So far,

so good.


As I am getting keen about photographing models at full aperture and

using "bokeh" extensively, but at the same time needing the top

sharpness even wide open, I can't decide between two Hasselblad

lenses I have a chance to buy used: the 100/3.5 C non-T* for $900 or

the 110/2 F for $1200. I need to know how the 110 performs wide open

and if the 100 is really better, even wide open. Distorsion is not an

issue, sharpness is the prime factor here. Please be generous with

advice. Kornelius, you too ;-)))


Oh, did I mention I will use the lenses on a Pentax 645n via the

special adapter? They will be used wide open or max. 1-2 stops closed

because I get the stopped down aperture. But none the less, I am

looking forward to this combination, I only fear the 110 (or even the

100) will not be too long for a 'normal lens' on 6x4.5.


Greetings, Alex.

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This is not really an answer but a question. It appears from your post if I read it right that you are using Hasselblad lenses on a Pentax 645N using a special adaptor. Where can I get information on this adaptor?


Best Regards,

Al S.

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Where to begin? I will assume your standard is a 75/2.8 SMC. I have friends who consider said lens to be quite sharp within the P645 lineup. No lens are not as sharp corner to corner wide open, at least to varying degrees.


I have shot several rolls with the 100/3.5 and find it to be a decent performer, by Hasselblad standards that is. I use my 110/2 for roughly 40% of all shooting and I own 4 other Hassy lenses. The 110/2 is a spectacular performer from f4-11. Wide open I typically do some cropping. With a 6x6 tranny or neg there is room to crop, 645 offers considerably less room. The 110 will be considerably sharper at f4 than 100/3.5 is wide open. DOF will be nearly identical.


I would not advise using any Hassy lens on a P645 body however. Hassy lenses were designed for Hassy bodies exclusively. The rear element to film plane distance will likely be different when mounting said lens on P645. The image circle on film plane will likely produce inferior results and distortion.


Lastly, a 110/2 for $1,200 is quite cheap. I would examine such a lens very closely before laying down my $1,200. You may be getting an expensive designer paperweight.


A possible solution for you is the 105/2.4 P67 lens for which Pentax makes P645 adapters. I believe this to be a pretty sharp lens and a viable retrofit. Best of luck!

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Searching for maximum sharpness wide open and beautiful bokek I would go for the Planar 3,5/100 C and make sure that I add a compendium. I would also have my camera and the built-in focus indicator of the Pentax 645 n and adapter checked for perfect registration, so the image is really in perfect focus when the camera thinks it is. Image circle, coverage, or distortion are no problem whatsoever. They are not influenced at all by the camera attached to the rear of the lens. I wish you good luck and pleasing results.
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Al: I can't talk right now as I haven't yet discussed the issue of limited series production with the adapter's maker. I will tel you all about the manufacturer (he's famous, heh heh) next week.


Michael: Without a doubt I wouldn't go into such a purchase before knowing and testing the lens. The price is low because there's no interest for such a lens in Europe (can you imagine that?).

About the 105/2.4 - had one, tested two more, even an old Super-Takumar, all were disappointing wide open.


Kornelius: Again a perfect answer. I salute you.

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  • 1 year later...

Alex-I too am interested in the adapter source. I loved the 110 but not the 2000fcm that went with it, vibration at slow speeds was awful. The lens is, indeed, phenomenal from f/4-11, maybe f/3.5-f/9. But not very useful wide open.

I now use a 100/3.5, much better overall, but not as special. Happen to own a Pentax 645 for the cheap wide lenses, so-is there an adapter available?


Tim in mpls

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