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Something came off my Hasselblad back...


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A very thin black sheet of "plastic" measuring about 4 by 60 mm came

off my Hasselblad back. It was located under the dark slide slit

(where the felt is located) - had come loose and obstructed part of

the picture on every single frame of my last two rolls - bummer...

What is this piece? is it important? Do I need to send the back to

Hasselblad for servicing? Thanks!

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It is the light seal itself, it is not made of felt but of plastic. At least not on newer, or recently serviced backs.


You need to service the back, it will probably leek light. But it is easy to do at home, the only tool needed is a screwdriver.


The seal itself costs around $1,50, at least here in sweden. It could be more expensive in other countries, but I doubt it could cost more than a few dollars. Buy a couple of them to have as spares, they seem to go quite often.

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Thanks Jim, but I think it's something different... I opened the back (with some trepidation, since this was my first time.... ) and found what I called "felt" still in place. It has a rough surface on one side and smooth on the other. I was surprised that it wasn't glued on, but simply sitting in its "groove". Its shape is trapezoid (one of the long edges slightly longer than the opposing one). The thing that came off is rectangular and much thinner, as thin as the backing of 120 roll film. In fact, at first I thought that maybe some of the roll film backing had come loose and somehow got stuck there, but that's not it either, it's a bit longer than the roll film is wide and too evenly in shape... any suggestions??? Thanks again.
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Just a thought. It may not be from the back at all. I had an old 2000 fcm that spit out a piece similar to what you are talking about. And I think I read here of another forum member with a similar experience with an older 200x camera as well. What vintage/model is your box? Maybe this relates to you as well?
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I don't know where people have gotten this idea of one piece for the felt, unless that is what was used on very old backs. I have looked at my three backs and they all have 2 separate pieces. One is foam and the other is a felt like foil. I am almost sure that the piece you are describing is the foil. Nothing else can come out of there without you taking the back apart. It is very easy to make sure. place the back with the dark slide side toward you and the winder on the left. remove the 9 screws which hold the bace plate of the magazine, leaving the dark slide in place. when you get all of the screws loosened, lift up the face plate with the dark slide. don't move or dislodge anything else. then on your right would be the trap seal i.e the felt and foam or foam and foil, or maybe just felt. If nothing is there on that right side then you lost your felt and it will have to be replaced. Hasselblad sells the trap seal sets as they are called. they used to be cheap but now I think they are over $10.00 a set. good luck. Kevin

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A light seal consists from two parts:


1) a black foil strip bent along, it plays a role of a spring covering a split when a black slide is out,


2) a light foil strip (twice narrower than the first one) with a foam strip glued together.


A light foil strip is inserted between two sides of a black strip, then a whole outfit is inserted in a back with a bend facing to a split of a black slide.


As a result of long use of a black slide, a black foil strip cracked along the line of a bend, and one half of this foil strip came off the back. It has to be changed with a new light seal.


Warning: do not touch a lock U-spring, it is very hard to set on its place if jumped out.

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