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How Many Cameras Is More Than Enough!?...What Is Your Camerqa Inventory?

todd frederick

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I just have my IIIf + Summitar and now an M3 (no lens yet) after losing my M6 + Summicron in a move earlier this year. My wife has a little C3 P&S that she likes a lot. That's it on the Leica side.


Then I have a number of Retinas, Contax I, II, IIa, III, IIIa, MF folders, two Contarex Bulleyes, several Rolleiflexes, an SL66 (two actually, but I'm going to sell one ), some Agfa folders, several Voigtlander folders, a Bessamatic (or is it two), a Voigtlander Prominent, several more Zeiss-Ikon 35mm and MF folders, a Cosina Voigtlander Bessa-R, several Rollei 35 cameras, a Nagel Vollenda and Nagel Duo 620 and a 4x5. My original cameras are my Nikon F2A and FE with a small group of lenses. Still have those.


The Internet has made it very easy to buy cameras. My latest passion is pre-WWII plate-film cameras.


I've used all of them except the 4x5 and a couple of the 127 cameras. I have the Efke film, but it's been packed away for seven months for an impending move.

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I have about 25 or 30 cameras all up, i think, ive not actually counted them, i have 6 or 7 leicas, a few leica copys, a rollei or two, some zeiss cameras, a couple of olympus rangefinders, five 0r six nikon f and f2's, more lenses than i can count without taking my shoes off, no doubt theres more here.......
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What a bunch of amateurs I have best as I can tell


Canon FD system:


2) F-1N's 1)eye level 1)AE both with AE winders FN


2) T-90s' 1)with Command back 90


2) A-1's both with MA motors drives (this does not include the two I have for sale


2) AE-1Ps 1) black 1)chr both with Winder A2's (this does not include the one I have for sale


1) AE-1 chr (this does not include the one I have for sale or the one in pc's)


1) EF


1) FTb 1st version black


1) TLb


20mm f2.8 nFd


24mm f2.0 nFD


28mm f2.8 nFD


35mm f3.5 S.C.


35mm f2.8 Macro Bellows lens


35mm f2.0 Chrome Nose (the one with Thorium glass)


35mm f2.0 nFD


50mm f3.5 nFD Macro


50mm f1.8 Chrome Nose


50mm f1.8 S.C.


50mm f1.4 nFD


50mm f1.2L nFD


55mm f1.2 Chrome nose


85mm f1.8 nFD


90mm f2.5 AT-X Tokina Macro w/1-1 adapter


100mm f4.0 FDM Macro


100mm f2.8 Chrome Nose


100mm f2.8 S.S.C.


100mm f2.0 nFD


135mm f3.5 Chrome nose


135mm f2.8 nFD


135mm f2.5 S.C.


200mm f2.8 IF nFD


400mm f4.5 nFD


500mm f4.5L S.S.C.


600mm f8.0 Sigma Mirror


24-45mm f3.5/4.5 CD Soligar


2)28-70mm f3.5/4.5 SD Tokina


28-85mm f4.0 nFD


35-105mm f3.5 nFD


50-135mm f3.5 nFD


75-200mm f4.5 nFD


80-200mm f4.0L nFD


80-200mm f2.8 AT-X Tokina


1) 1.4X-A 2) 2X-A 1)2X-B


About a small pickup load of the stuff that goes with this system


(I also have about a dozen lenses for this system I''m getting ready to sell they are not in this inventory)


Canon RF:


Model III w/ Rapid winder


35mm f1.8 black and chrome


50mm f1.8 black and chrome


50mm f1.9 Senenar


100mm f4.0 Senenar


135mm f3.5 Canon chrome


3) G-III QL-17 Canonets


1) Datematic E in black


2) Demi S 1/2 frames



Leica system


1959 IIIg


1951 IIIf RD


3.5cm f3.5 Summaron


5cm f2.8 Elmar


5cm f2.0 Summitar


5cm f1.5 Summarit


9cm f4.0 Elmar


135mm f4.5 Hektor


Filters hoods close-up goddies for all of the above


Braun system


at least 20 different models from the Ia to the 1a elctromatic a Norca 6x6/6x9 a Gloria 6x6 an Imperial 6x6

15 paxette mount lenses from 35mm to 135mm


Yashica 44 127 TLR


Ciroflex TLR model H 6X6


Seagull model 203 645 and 6X6 on 120


Pen FT w/ 40mm f1.4 100mm f3.5 2X


Kodak Tourist 620


Kodak Junior 616


Kodak Flash Bantam 828


Zeiss-Ikon Nettar 518/16 6X6 on 120


Zeiss Contaflex II


Voigtlander Vito II


Retina Automatic III


Nikon FG black w/ 50mm f1.4 E and 70-210 f4.0 E


But these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


I drive a truck for a small local landscape supply company.

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I have yet to test out about 6 RF cameras bought from ebay last few months. Still in dry cabinet.


I have stopped buying cameras now. I don't feel the urge to anymore. I used to be a compulsive buyer though.


If I have to get something now, it'd be either the M4, the fm3A or a pre-asph cron 35.

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Being a camera-holic is like having sex and drug. Once you purchased something, you feel contented, but after a while, the urge hits again. Surfing the auction sites inevitably run into something that will trigger that urge again. I hope there's a medical solution, instead of cash outlay, where you take a dose to suppress that desire. Quite frankly I think a lot of folks on this forum have that desease and are embarrassed to disclose their photographic inventory. The pros have an excuse, but for folks like me, its purely a quest of wanting whatever Leica dishes out. I think the current transition from film to digital is even worse because now we have 2 mediums, each pulling us in opposite directions.

I'm too embarrassed to list my own inventory and I'm also curious of the gears Marc and Jay possess.

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M6TTL + 1 lens, Nikon FM2n + 2/3, Blad 503cx + 1, Olympus mju/stylus Epic (for color ;-).


The M6 aperture ring go by half stop increments. The Nikon goes by (full) stops. Who can tell he never screwed up in such conditions?

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Well, I'm just getting rid of anything I don't really use. A lot of equipment is going, including cameras. I'll still keep more than I need, but then these are cameras I am emotionally attached to, for what reasons ever. One of the beasts I simply cannot part with is a leica II, but who knows. Being able to actually use my drawers and shelves again is very freeing :o)


As long as you enjoy, there is no such thing as to much. I reached a point where i did not enjoy anymore, but felt it became a burden clogging up my home. First i stopped buying, and much much later i began to sell stuff. Selling in the beginning was a painful experience, though!

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Hi Jean

You wrote:


<As long as you enjoy, there is no such thing as to much. I reached a point where i did not enjoy anymore, but felt it became a burden clogging up my home. First i stopped buying, and much much later i began to sell stuff. Selling in the beginning was a painful experience, though!>


Yes, it is like sex- "As long as you enjoy, there is no such thing as too much". I agree with you. You are also rigth about selling being a painful experience. You sell it for pea nuts and wonderful if you really need that money. I have some euipment which I do not use at all but I am very reluctant to sell them for sentimental reasons and there is some thing called "PRIDE OF POSSESSION". For example, my M3 is in MINT condition and I love it. If I were to sell it I will not get enough to replac the pleasure and joy it gives me. How much joy and pleasure?? When I have fever and I am in bed, I play with my M3 and its like analgesics- my headache and fever goes away and I feel much better. So, it is very therapeutic. The way I put it is " CAMERAS ARE MEANS TO AN END BUT LEICA M3 IS AN END IN ITSELF".


List of equipment is attached herewith. Look at it and call me MAD, if you like.

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My wife tells me there´s a limit to how many cameras one can own, i´ll show her this thread next time she´s grumpy about my kits. Even though i´m a "minimalist" when it comes to cameras, i own M4, M6 28/2.8 35/2.0 50/2.0 90/2.8 and F3Hp 28/2.8 55/2.8 105/2.5 in 35mm. Hasselblad 500cm 50-80-150 in MF and 2 Sinars with 90-150-240 in LF. And the wonderful Holga of course, but that don´t count does it? In digital i just bought a Canon 300D, with some lenses to come... There´s no such thing as to many cameras!

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My name is Harvey and I m a cameraholic...


Leica M3 with 2 lenses, Hasselblad with one, 2 Canon Eoses with 3 lenses, a Ricoh GR1V, 2 digicams, 1 Hi-8 and 1 DV Video camera and would you believe a computer with a camera built in???


Still, that's less than I used to have <grin>

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This reminds me of the time I accidently went to an AA meeting; I feel positively sober after reading this thread!


When I work a wedding, almost everything I own fits in a Domke 803 bag on my shoulder: M6TTL, Hexar RF, 35/50/90, two small flashes and several rolls of film. (The 90 shoots maybe 20 out of 300+ frames) I have a back-up bag that I position strategically with a bigger flash, batteries, flash meter and film. The tripod usually stays in the trunk of the car. I have noticed some 'gear creep' lately, though. The 50 Summicron replaced by a Summilux; the 90 Hexanon replaced by a 90 Summicron, so the bag's getting a bit heavier. If I wasn't shooting weddings, I'd just keep the Leica, the 50, the flashes and get a 24 or a 21 for fun.


Marc, that Wahlster guy's showing off with his pile of 70's vintage gear. I think you could win this contest easy if you made an alphabetical list of all your gear complete with serial numbers, home address and daytime phone number! ;-)

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