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On a vaguely related vein, I was watching Tech TV (former ZDNet TV, I think). On one segment, one of the hosts was saying that they've found that many consumer-burned CDs are beginning to become unreadable after two or three years -- whereas the CDR/RW industry said they would be good for 10 or 15 years.


I've already lost two CDs with a couple hundred scans that simply aren't readable anymore. And they were readable last year. What's even more odd is that other CDs from the same batch containing downloaded software patches are just fine.


I'm not yet ready to move to DVD storage until the industry can settle on a supposed "standard."


I'm not overly concerned, because I still have the negatives.

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These system burps do have their value. I was motivated to poke around the net for some new stuff while PN was down. Also am thinking I need to look at how I organize my stuff. At present, if I want to find an image of mine, I go to my photo.net folders to look up the date of the item or something close. For instance, I know that the blooming of the Mexican Poppy is not far off and I wanted to prepare myself for the appearance of miles of yellow blossoms on the hills overlooking White Sands, so I went to <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/1398183">this image</a> for the date. If photo.net really loses it, I could be picking wilted flowers.
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Mike said..."I've already lost two CDs with a couple hundred scans that simply aren't readable anymore. And they were readable last year. What's even more odd is that other CDs from the same batch containing downloaded software patches are just fine."


I have several hundred (like close to a thousand) rolls of negatives from 1979 on up and not one of them has deteriorated. The choice seems clear to me.


tim in san jose

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"The choice seems clear to me. "


You wouldn't dare say that on certain other fora here where the digital ayatollas wouldn't hestate for a moment to issue a fatwa against you. <grin>


Personally, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

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