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Jill Freedman anyone?

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As I clicked in this morning I wasn't entirely surprised to see a

picture of someone's dog ('W/NW My Pet' is surely coming ever

closer). And it made me think of Jill Freedman, who took some

fantastic series of pictures of the circus, the New York Fire

Department and of Ireland too, mostly in the early '70s I think (I

can't seem to find a decent link, if anyone knows one?). She also

started to take pictures of dogs, which I didn't take as a good

sign, not being a particular lover of the smelly great things



But if anyone is interested in social documentary (or dog

pictures), her work is well worth seeking out. I would love to see

a copy of 'Circus Days'.


By the way, she said in a piece for a book called 'World

Photography', edited by Brynn Campbell, twenty odd years ago,

that she used rangefinders or Nikons, according to her mood.


Apologies to Ms Freedman if I have unintentionally

misrepresented her, and likewise to any dog lovers who might

be upset. My Dad has two great big Red Setters that launch

themselves at you as soon as you walk in the door. Not much for

it usually, except to hold your Leica and your (more expensive

than you could really afford) bottle of wine above your head, until

they get bored and piss off.





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Yeah, this is one of those "what ever happened to..." questions.

Jill displayed a tremendous talent.


I owned a copy of Circus Days, which I unfortunately lost years ago in a move. I always considered this to be one of the premier examples of 35mm Tri-x documentary photography. the photos themselves and the reproductions were excellent. I remember seeing her "firefighter" book in the store but never bought it - the reproduction quality was bad and ,probably based on the subject matter (running into buildings with the firefighters), many of the pictures incorporated overt and over powering flash. (She needed TTL :) ).


I, too, would be very interested in knowing what she's been up to since.

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I knew Jill from when we were finalists for an Alicia Patterson fellowship (she got it... I

didn't). Then she stayed with me a couple weeks in California while visiting her mother I

think. Real nice lady, she turned me on to scotch. That was a little over ten years ago...

last I heard she was freelancing in Miami. I had found three of her books and she

autographed them for me. Keepers for sure. I like the Ireland book best I think.

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There is an interview with her this month in some photo magazine whose name I forgot.

She says she's wanted to come back to NYC for a long time and finally did.


jillfreedman.com is registered to someone living out on Long Island.

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks to Zora and the rest of you who remember me and my work. Someone told me to

google myself and to my surprise I found your thread. (I am not a big net surfer). It was

nice to know someone actually sees my books! And thinks enough of my photos to

discuss them. I took some time off, went to the beach and read a lot of books, but was

always homesick for my old town and now I'm home again. Living in Westchester for now,

until I win the lottery and can afford the city. I have a new book coming out this fall:

"Ireland Ever", published by Abrams, intros by Frank and Malachy McCourt. It will be a

beauty! 144 gorgeous pages.

And for now, I'm building a website you can peek at (it's still under construction):

www.podgallery.com./jillfreedman. I hope to sell my prints and my six out-of-print,

therefore rare, books. I have the only signed first-editions, so here's hoping. Thanks

again for the nice surprise, y'all.<div>009BJl-19208284.jpg.a0acb44d94f5557e6ba60f8f658da42f.jpg</div>

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