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Anything new guys???

ike k

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Hi All,




I haven't been in this forum for a while and haven't been catch up

with the latest news since I've been busy shooting with my now "old

trustee 10D".and wondering if Canon might release another camera to

compete with Nikon D2H, and yes I just read on dpreview that they're

making D70 as answer for 300D but who cares? I love my canon.And i

do really need some improvement from my 10D (too many lists I want

to write down), and since 1DS is still out of my reach at the

moment.Anyway good to be back again and happy shooting!!!





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>> I just read on dpreview that they're making D70 as answer for 300D but who cares? I love my canon.


I love my Canon too but I do care. Competition is something which will benefit all consumers, including Canon aficionados. It will drive Canon higher (in specs) and lower (in price).


Happy shooting ,


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It's possible that Canon will want to refresh the 1D before the upcoming Olympics. Will they move to a CMOS sensor? Will they make the sensor smaller? Will they increase the pixel count? Will they increase to 10fps? Will they use a deeper buffer?


My guess: CMOS sensor, same pixel count and same size, one full stop more sensitive than the 10D. 10 fps, buffer of 100 frames or more. 2 or 4 CF slots for simultaneous writes. Possibly an improved AF sensor, with cross-type sensors being more spread throughout the frame (e.g. 3 rows of cross sensors intead of 1).


10D: I don't see any change coming. Canon probably wants to wait for Nikon to announce something, possibly a replacement for the D100, and will probably react accordingly. As an example I don't see Canon upgrading the 10D to 8Mpix without some pressure from Nikon (that'd be eating into their 1Ds market, and I don't think they'll be replacing the 1Ds until at least late 2004).


Now, if we imagine that the 1Ds jumps to, say, 16Mpix (about the pixel density of the 10D today), you could imagine a 9Mpix replacement for the 10D, with a 1.3x cropping factor.


Bah, let's get out and shoot. I'm planning to go buy a 10D tomorrow (early Christmas).

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well, as a former Nikon owner I was over at the Nikon forum sterring up things about the D70 announcement.


I am all for a strong healthy competition between Canon on one side and Nikon/Fuji/Kodak on the other. Given the size of Canon, it really takes that type of partnership to compete.


I fully expect a 8MP, 1.2-3 crop factor EOS3D style like camera for around $3K at PMA to be deliverd during Spring.

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I'd move to Nikon in a heartbeat if they have a good solid offer. But it hasn't happened. On the D70... too late. Bought my 300D in Sept. 'Always one step behind,' is what I say.


I'm sure Nikon banged their heads when the 300D came out and are shivering at what Canon might come up with when they actually unleash their D2H.

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Erb: How about this:


Canon 2D, 5.3Mpix, 1.3x cropping factor, CMOS, one full stop faster than the 10D (think almost noise-free at ISO 1600). 10 fps, buffer of 120 frames, 2 CF slots to be able to write all that data quickly. modified AF chip with 3 rows of cross-type sensors (instead of 1).

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This is getting dangerously close to the kind of rampant speculation that will lead Bob to kill the thread.


If anyone has any backing for these speculative claims of future specs, please say so, otherwise clearly label them with "IF I was Canon, I would do:" or "I think it's clear there's a market segment for .....".


Thanks - don't want the easily-influenced to wait around for two years for Jean-Baptiste's hypothetical 2D or a revamped 8MP 10D. While I'm just as interested as the rest of you in possible future specs, I like my rumours served with a steaming hot side of substantiation.

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I agree. An auto cleaning snsor would be nice. Also a spot meter and more dynamic range on the sensor so it behaves more like print than slide film. The last two would float my boat. They are the only real shortcoings I've found on the 10D. As long as we;re wishing an IR remote would be nice as well.
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<i>I don't see Canon upgrading the 10D to 8Mpix without some pressure from Nikon



They are already seeing that pressue from Sony. <p>


I agree with Anthony -- I'd love to see them take from the Olympus E-1 and

introduce an ultrasonic sensor cleaner.

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Sony have an 8MP DSLR? News to me. They have a puny little 8MP sensor with tiny pixels in the 828, but that hardly seems like much in the way of competition.


While I'm sure that and 8MP DSLR would cause many 6MP camera owners to "upgrade", the difference in resolution will be minimal and the effect on images small. Not zero, but small. It's barely a 10% increase in linear pixel density.


Sooner or later (or maybe not) people will see that pixel count is only one of a number of equally important factors in image quality. It's pushed by manufacturers because every consumer understands it - or at least they think they do...

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<i> Sony have an 8MP DSLR</i><p>


No. See what happens when you read between the lines instead of the lines

themselves? ;-> <p>


<i>They have a puny little 8MP sensor with tiny pixels in the 828</i><p>


Uh huh. And the results? <p>


<i> Sooner or later (or maybe not) people will see that pixel count is only one of a

number of equally important factors in image quality.</i><p>


And the image quality of the 828 is what exactly to you?

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