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Ain't the D70 good?


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I've grown up with Canon and have supported Canon over the years...

but the D70 really really looks good. It seems to be the 300D plus

everything people complained the 300D didn't have; the black finish,

two dials, 18-70mm (more zoom) etc.


I really wonder what Canon has to announce for upcoming PMA on entry

level dSLRs and accessories.



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Let their be competition!


Without having looked at the D70 in HUGE detail, I would say the competion is 10D, not 300D. The D70, afterall, is somewhat more expensive than the 300D.


A 10D price drop or replacement would be the appropriate Canon answer to the D70. Also, keep in mind that the D70 is vaporware at this point in time. No one has really seen the images from this camera yet.

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"As I see it you FIRST choose a system and only afterwards, a body."


If this is the case what factors do you consider when choosing a system?


Price? Build quality? Performance? Fetures? Accsesorise? (in the case of a digital camera: picture quality and the number of pixels)?


I would have thought these were mainly conected to the body, even more so with a DSLR?

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The trouble with Canon is the missing wide angle consumer zooms.. where's a decent 15-x or even a 12-x zoom .. Nikon has been aggressive and hence D70 + one of the many Nikon wide zooms seem to be an option for people on a budget but not willing to live with the crippleware of 300D..
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The reason you do not want to chose a digital camera (DSLR only) based on the body is that there will always be a new one in 6-12 months. Choosing a system means looking at the companies past and the current trends, and their potential in the future. Then you say which companies lenses do I like more because once you start getting lenses it's expensive to change.


Now if you are just gonna buy the basic kit, and never invest in lenses then you SHOULD be looking at the body, but then again you should also be looking at cameras like the Sony 828.

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It is logical to pick a system based on lenses, accesories, etc. In fact, I switched to Canon from Nikon primarily for Canon's excellent lens line-up, and because I wanted a mid-range body that offered mirror lock-up. I'm now in the market for an affordable DSLR.<BR><BR>That being said, when I saw the specs of the D70 I thought, "Wow, it has everything that I want in a DSLR." A true spot meter, MLU, fast 1/500 flash sync, and a robust body that is black. So I'm waiting to see if Canon will respond at PMA, and then I'll decide what to do.


Make no mistake - the D70's was designed to compete directly with the 300D and not the 10D (the 10D and the Nikon's D100 are both $1500 & the D70 body is only $100 more than the 300D). I'm hoping to see somekind of digital body from Canon that is based on the Elan 7, not the Rebel. I know that image quality is most important, but I want a DSLR that allows me to select meter mode. And finally, on a more superficial note, I'm not crazy about silver.

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It is logical to pick a system based on lenses, accesories, etc. In fact, I switched to Canon from Nikon primarily for Canon's excellent lens line-up, and because I wanted a mid-range body that offered mirror lock-up. I'm now in the market for an affordable DSLR.<BR><BR>That being said, when I saw the specs of the D70 I thought, "Wow, it has everything that I want in a DSLR." A true spot meter, MLU, fast 1/500 flash sync, and a robust body that is black. So I'm waiting to see if Canon will respond at PMA, and then I'll decide what to do.


Make no mistake - the D70's was designed to compete directly with the 300D and not the 10D (the 10D and the Nikon's D100 are both $1500 & the D70 body is only $100 more than the 300D). I'm hoping to see somekind of digital body from Canon that is based on the Elan 7, not the Rebel. I know that image quality is most important, but I want a DSLR that allows me to select metering mode. And finally, on a more superficial note, I'm not crazy about silver.

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Um, the follow up to that was that no one had seen full-size images from production cameras.


As exciting as the announcement is, I would think that it proper to reserved the accolades until we see what kind of *photograph* it produces.


Othewise, all the bells and whistles in the world won't mean a thing...

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Feature wise the D70 is a master stroke. It smacks the 300D out of the park and gives the 10D a bloody nose. Given it has an improved sensor over the D100 it would be fair to think it will have good image quality. Still only time will tell.


Unfortunately glass is what matters and it would take something extraordinary to change makes. Canon will counter eventually, but for now Nikon is looking good in this segment. I want a revamped 10D with spot meter, new AF system, bigger buffer, E-TTL II, 8MP Digic II sensor for $1500.


However, we Canonites have the awesome 1D Mk II to look forward too at least.

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The D70 is not vaporware by any stretch of the imagination (I know people who have used them already), but I have to agree people should wait until they try it before passing final judgement. That being said I can guarantee is will be at least as good as the D100 picture wise , that plus the other specs means, barring a major snafu, this is pretty much a sure bet to better the 300D.
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IMHO, at that price and for those features, Nikon will be competing more with its own product line, less with Canon. We have to wait and see when it actually materializes. After all more Nikon users will wanna upgrade (or perhaps the correct term is "downgrade" from a D100 and above ????) than actual Canon users.


- Harman

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Why should we even care if the dad burn thing doesn't accept Canon lenses? No Canon shooter is stupid enough to sell their gear when the competition suddenly "might" have a body slightly better than the one they have. Nikon shooters with plenty of Nikkor glass or SLR newbies are the main market for the D70.


Even if the D70 is slightly better than the 300D, Canon will one up Nikon in a few months. Nikon has been struggling to catch up to Canon for a long time (AF motors in lens, USM, IS, affordable DSLR, et al.). Nikon took 2 years to match the EOS 1D with the D2H. Sure, they added a larger buffer and wireless but that's small change. Canon's 1D MKII blows away the D2H. I'm sure the new DRevel or 10D later this year will make Nikon eat Canon's consumer DSLR dust trail... Anywho, only rich yuppygeeks can afford to upgrade every time a slightly better machine comes along (every 6 months).

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Comments: At this point in time, this is a good move for Nikon. Though I'm a canon shooter, I hope N gives C a real good run for the money. Competition is good for the consumer.


Oh btw, though the D70 is around the same price as a 300D, it's a smack in the face for the 10D too. The D70 and 10D features are pretty close. Good for end users like me :)

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I chose for the Canon system because I wanted a DSLR, and Canon is ahead of Nikon in the DSLR world. OK, now Nikon is coming up with the D70, which looks wonderful, but Canon is still ahead with the 1D Mark II and no doubt they will have a 10D successor that will be ahead of the D70 and D100 within a year. Also Canon's stuff (lenses, accessories etc.) are generally a little bit cheaper than Nikon's.
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