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Lens terminology & Lens Suggestion for eos elan IIe


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I am looking into gettin a canon eos elan 11e but I am confused about lens

info. First I have been told that the body & lens 28-80mm is usu. a crappy

lens so I am possibly looking for an alternate lens possibly used for $100 max.

Also how do I know what non canon brand lens' work with this cameras?(right

now I'm only doing a beg. course in b/w photo...)


In looking up lens and prices I am confused what some of this means...(part

I'm confused on, is in quotation marks)...

28-80mm "f3.5-f5.6" V USM lens included


what is that referring to?

That not the only f/stops available right??

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The f3.5 is the maximum aperture at 28mm. As you zoom to 80mm the lens gets slower (lets less light through), so the maximum aperture is f5.6. The lens will be able to close to smaller apertures at all zoom settings. I don't know the lens but usually they will go to f22 (sometimes f32).



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nothing you could buy for about 100$ is signifficantly better (even if bought 2nd hand) than the lens that you can get with the camera. Only exception ... Roberts suggestion with the 50/1.8 prime lens.


The next step in lens quality is a EF 24-85/3.5-4.5 USM or the EF 28-105/3.5-4.5 USM but both will be arround 200$ for a 2nd hand lens.

But that is already double the budget you have.


For now, either decide for the 50/1.8 prime which will give you

good quality but less flexibility, or for the zoom. If you take the zoom try to use it stopped down to f/8 or f/11 whenever possible.



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Crystal, the Elan IIe is a great camera and as you know can be had for a quite reasonable price since it's fairly old and film is out of fashion. If you can get the kit lens with the body for just a little more than the body alone (and how much is just a little depends on your budget) it would probably be a good idea to get it just so you can gain some experience shooting at a range of focal lengths. Once you've played around with the kit lens some you'll be in a better position to decide what your next lens should be. And just because the kit lens isn't stellar doesn't mean you can't use it; do a search on "Holga" or "lens baby" to see what some folks are doing with much worse optics.

Regardless, I'd definitely get the 50/1.8 also; you'll be amazed at the difference in sharpness and contrast.

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