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Disappointed by Silverfast with the Epson 3200

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i have had this scanner for a few weeks and have experimented with

both the silverfast and the epson software, so far i have found the

S'Fast pretty disapointing.

I am using it exclusively with 6X6 negs/slides. I have read the stuff

about the carrier height, and i have to agree with the comments

posted on that issue, but my problem seems to be more a software


I understood SF was pretty good scan software, but so far, its

colours and its clarity have been, well 'poor' in comparison to the

Epson results.

At times extensive work in P'shop does not get the SF image even

close to as good as the Epson image. Neither does tricking with the

prescan histogram.


I am wondering if there is something i missed?



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<body lang=EN-US link=blue vlink=purple style='tab-interval:.5in'>


<p class=MsoNormal style='tab-stops:list .5in'>>>I am wondering if there

is something i missed?<<</p>


<p class=MsoNormal style='tab-stops:list .5in'>In my experience, Silverfast SE

is very hit or miss and has a lower success rate than EpsonScan.<span

style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Silverfast is a good tool to keep in the

scanning toolbox because occasionally it will obtain a great scan that

EpsonScan and even Vuescan can�t match.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 

</span>In reality though, Silverfast is usually the last resort option for me.</p>


<p class=MsoNormal>Doug</p>


<p class=MsoNormal style='mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none'><span

style='font-size:10.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt'>Doug�s �MF Film Holder� for

batch scanning "strips" of 120/220 medium format film: <a




<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></p>



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Which version of Silverfast do you have, LE (light) or AI (full)? Silverfast LE is extremely limited. It does not handle batch scanning and has only limited color correction tools, for example. The Epson 3200 Pro comes with the full version of Silverfast.


I've been very pleased with Silverfast AI for the Epson 2450, and consider the Epson software virtually unuseable by comparison. Silverfast LE is even less functional than the Epson software.


Can you describe how you are using it. Have you calibrated your monitor? What color space are you using? Any examples?

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Perry: You do not mention which version of SF but drop one clue about the "tricking with the prescan histogram" which tells me you have Silverfast 6Ai. Silverfast full version (6i) is easy to use and gives you full sophisticated color management and control and if you have problems with that you will need to tells us more. Vuescan is by comparison is clunky, clumsy and quite limited, like tying your pants with your shoelaces. Clarity has most to do with the scanner. Remember that as your slide gets heated under the lamp, it warps down in the direction of the glas bed, due to the fact that the emulsion, which is facing up shrinks as it dries up due to the heat. The optimum focus in the Epson is 0.5 mm above the glass bed, which is actually below the position of the film on its carrier and above the position of reflected material on the glass bed. It can only be that way to accomodate both reansparency and reflective material. The carrier positions the film above optimum focus but the curvature assumed by the film as it gets heated up means that focus will be uneven. The depth of field for such a close distance focusing optic IS extremelly small, smaller than many people assume. In tests I have done, using microscopic scratches on thin slide glass indicate that very slight variations in position have a noticeable effect on sharpness. Such variations will exist for the same film which sags to different extents during the scan. For this very reason is is very difficult to do comparative scans with different software, since the film plane will never be constant.


Additionally I find that films give off residues that coat the glass bed after a scan. These can be seen as you lift the carriers and glance at the glass. These residues should be removed by wiping with lint-flee laboratory wipes and opticians cleaning fluid. I find the Epson much overhyped for MF: You feed it with ultra-sharp Hasselblad-Zeiss slides at one end and it spits Kodak Instamatic quality at the other. If you do have SF 6i is quite possible you have missed a lot. It is easy to use but it does need that you spend a little time getting to know all the controls.

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Have you visited the SilverFast website? Have you tried to properly setup SilverFast? Do you know how to properly setup SilverFast? Do you have SilverFast Ai 6 or SE? You must answer a few questions before we can offer help. One thing is for certain; SilverFast Ai 6 is not a �plug and play� program! Before you start complaining about SilverFast you must first make an educated attempt to understand such a powerful program! Kind of reminds me of one of my workshop students. He just couldn�t understand why his photographs looked so crappy, for he had spent $20,000.00 on a complete Canon EOS 1RS outfit with all the pro lenses (this guy had ALL of the L series zoom lenses including the 300 & 500mm!) and he should be able to make photographs as good as Art Wolfe!



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  • 3 weeks later...

OOPS, Sorry I hadnt clicked the 'notify me' button. Havent been in here for a few weeks.

Thanks for all the response.

I have the SE 6 version that came with the scanner.

Its not the 3200pro


Yes i have calibrated the monitor.


Have i set it up properly? and do I know how to ? well perhaps not to both of these, I have looked through the handbook, but it seemed somewhat cursory. I havent seen anything that suggested that i had to 'set it up'.


I did visit the SF website and asked a few q's there. but its been some weeks and i have yet to have a response.


OK so is my problem that of the 'b' model software (se) or just carbon error (idioto)?


Guilty as charged perhaps?

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