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Comments on Presentation


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You've certainly got the technical skills down. All that's left is for you to practice until you find a style that suits you. This is your "first try," and you seem well on your way.


It's be helpful to know what film speed you're using, and how this stuff was developed. In a lab, I assume?

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understand my comments are "hypercritical", as I like the overall effect. You have a style difference between the second and third (softness, more than color), and that means you are trying and investigating.


Now, nitpickiness -- pay attention to background. on the first, the brown blob in the lower right corner is odd, and would be nicer if absent. On the second or third (I htink the B&W one, I've forgotten) the pose loks a bit strained, rather than thoughtful or pensive -- and, for whatever reason, the arm doesn't even look like it is part of the body. The fourth picture, nice for her to give away to those who are close, perhaps, but I see not as much personae in it as the others.


You've done well with fairly simple lighting. Good model. Whether someone likes softness or detail, up to them (and you).

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Well, i like the photos (the third one is my favourite, second one is also very nice) but they are not very converging. I mean, the first two are somewhat related, the third and fourth are something else. Not only the black and white thing,the whole style of the pictures are different. I think, in a presentation they should have a common style.


(And, why would you call them "lingerie"?)


It's a nice "first try"!

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The first one is too soft - I think I can see what you're trying to do but it doesn't come off.


The second one, the light on the face is too contrasty. Nice face though, worth doing some more shots of her.


Third one, black and white by the window, best of the lot. Light works well, expression is good and it shows the shape of the model, she's wearing without being over revealing. If it was slightly fuller length it would be a good product shot for the lingerie. Her arm looks to be bent back a little strangely, but that's nit picking.


Fourth one - it's almost a portrait, but it's too top lit, so you've got too much shadow under the face. I'd frame it slightly wider to get her other elbow in - I find it jars slightly if the edge of the frame goes through an elbow like that. It's a good pose to work with.


I think with number 3 you've shown you can get results, and the others show you've got some ideas worth developing. The pictures look like they were done at home with someone you know, and there's nothing wrong with her as a model. So if she's willing to do more, keep trying.

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