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Problems with Kodak 14n

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I just purchased a 14n and perhaps I'm doing something wrong but I set the

resolution to 13.5mb and my files are coming up 6mb or even less. Also the

color and sharpness seem to be off. I have been using a Fuji S1 with great

results but wanted to move up to the 14n for it's high resolution capabilties but

I don't seem to be getting it. Any help would be most appreciated.



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To get the full resolution the 14N offers, you have to shoot raw files. The camera will shoot raw at several resolutions, as well as J-Pegs, see your owner's manual. The 14N will not shoot in-camera to a tiff. Once you turn the raw file into a tiff using Photo Desk you will have a 38 meg tiff at full resolution, which yields a 10"x15" image at 300 dpi


Be sure to go to Kodak's website and download and install the new firmware v. 4.4 and the new Photo Desk v.3.2 as well as the new Camera Manager v. 3.1.


The new 4.4 firmware offers much less noise in long exposures and higher ISOs. The improvements are so good, you'll think you have a new camera. 4.4 also offers a "Longer" exposure mode for up to 30 sec exposure times and a mirror pre-release option for long exposures.


To open files made with the new 4.4 firmware, you will need Photo desk 3.2, so download both. Photo Desk 3.2 is much better than 3.1 with more film "looks" and histogram/curves adjustments, color correction sliders in addition to color temperature. The new Photo Desk is now as good as Capture Studio which ships with the much more expensive Pro Back Plus.


Do these upgrades in software and firmware and and you will be amazed by the quality the 14N has to offer. It's easily as good as 6x7 film.

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If making fine art prints with an Iris printer is my goal 30"x40"s and I want to add a

digital camera to my F5 and F4 film camera/lenses is there any point in looking at the

D2h instead of the Kodak 14n?


What about waiting for the D2x?


Will I be happier with the larger file size of the Kodak?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to everyone for their input. One problem solved but now I have two more

questions. First, when formatting a card I only have the choice of Quick Format. The

Full Format choice does not appear in my menu. It is mentioned in the book but I

can't seem to find this option. Second issue is shot count. How can I know how

many shots I have taken on a card and how many remain?


Any help is always appreciated!



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  • 1 year later...

Two years and five firmware upgrades later, this is now a fine camera, although it is not for all situations. I know of no unresolved problems with this camera with the upgrades, although it is not for quick action shots nor particularly good in low light.


It has been superseded by the /n and /c upgraded versions, and thus the original (which I got for $2700 in March, 2004) is no longer in production.


Pictures shot with it are available throughout my portfolio here on photo.net. In the right hands, it could be a very powerful instrument. I am still learning on it, but the resolution still knocks my socks off.



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