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EOS D30 & Telephoto Lens

andy d

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I have a 500mm telephoto lens made by Paragon - I know it isn't the

best ever, but it was free :) I would like to put this onto my EOS

D30, but I will need to get a body mount adapter first of all, as

the lens is a screw thread, not bayonet. I have just spoken with

Jessops and they say they no longer sell these as they can mess with

the electrics in the camera - something to do with the electrical

contacts on the body around the mount.


Has anyone any experience of something like this ?





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You can get an adaptor by mail order from http://www.srbfilm.co.uk/.

The M42-EOS adaptor is made very thin in such a way that it allows the lens to focus to infinity. It costs about £24. Obviously you must stop down the aperture manually. The meter reading should be correct even there is no electronic communication between them. With a proper adaptor I don't think it will mess up the electronics. I tried this with the Russian MTO-1000 f10 mirror lens with the EOS-3.

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I'm not sure about this particular lens, but it is likely a t-mount(Guess) but it could be m42. Adapters for both of these are always availible on the auction site. by the way, it is kind of hard to tell the difference between these two. they are both 42mm but the t mount is a .75mm thread, and the m42 is a 1mm thread. hope this helps.
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