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OT - What Lens Did I Use, Looking At This Print Or Slide


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I'm not sure that I could always tell between a 12 and a 15 or a 75 and a 90. A 20 or 25% difference just isn't enough to always be sure. 21 to 35 or 35 to 90, no problem. Why not take notes while shooting? If you have more than one camera body use the lenses on different bodies. You (or your repair person) can notch the aperture plate in the camera so the edge of the negative will have a little bump or two instead of being straight sided. Years ago this was very common. You'd know exactly which camera body had the faulty shutter or whatever just by looking at the negatives.


Assuming you're using two bodies, use one with the 21 and the 50, the other with the 35 and the 90, to make the pictures easier to sort. If you're actually going forth with 12,15,35,50,75 and 90 you might consider paring down your kit.

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Al, et al,


Add 21 and 40 to the list...no, I don't have a huge bag. I've got two small ones...most recently, a Crumpler (nice bag), holds two bodies two lenses, extra camera in hand, when necessary. The Eagle Creek holds the SWC, and one M/lens. I never carry both bags. The GF carries a bag when I want to use the Hassy.


I take what I think I'll need depending on what I intend to shoot, then zoom with my legs, as necessary. For example, in New Orleans, I took the 35, 1.2; 50, 1.0; 75, 1.4; C-Pol; two bodies (incl. the Hexar RF), for the bar/restaurant/night shots. Daytime capable too.


I was going through months worth of prints, so all of the lenses were represented.

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No Peter,


It was a serious question based on loss of memory, 8*). How a lens records on film, I just can't tell sometimes given all the travel involved, my intermittent editing, and a lack of organization or, because I zoom with my feet. The small differences in perspective between "close" length lenses and the results helps me decide which ones to keep and use and the ones to sell.

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It's not about perspective differences that decide buy/sell, it's performance. I used to have a Ver. III 28, Elmarit. I didn't like the harshness (best word I can find at this moment), Nikcanmintax "quality" of the photo's, so traded it (don't miss it). If I couldn't remember that I shot with that lens (vs. a 35 looking at a print months later), I might still have it. I picked up a Ver. I 28, Elmarit, and am happy with it, even though everyone will tell/show you that the new 28, Summicron will blow it away.

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Steve, your question is so trivial it is pathetic. Do you realize what people are telling you everywhere you post? Please take a look at yourself. I feel sorry for you. Go out, take pictures instead of trolling for answers. Even the Help and Feedback Forum is sick of you now.


Change, please, but don't add to your 15 other aliases.


PS : We know you are wealthy, okay? You own a ton of equipments, new and old. You don't use them, so you can't tell one from the other, but you can afford the full range. I am proud of you. Furthermore, you plan to lug you SWC when you go to Algeria one day, hopefully in the near future, as you have been traveling six months at a time. But you must have excellent tele-communicating devices, as you are able to post continuously for months. Care to share with us how do you manage to do that? From Algeria?

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