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Reverse to Jack; experiences from having owned a digital and going back to Leica/film


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<p>Yes, yes... I understand about proofing in the camera.


<p>What I was thinking when I wrote that was the issue of post processing a big bunch of images. With your experience, maybe you have your workflow down to an lightening quick efficient flow, but I definitely don't. I can still flip through a bunch of 4x6 proofs faster looking for the ones with potential.

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Jack, I'm assuming that by 'pre-proofing' at the time of exposure you're talking about dumping the images you don't want!? I don't consider this to be that big of an advantage. Many times over the years I've printed one or two negs off of a roll, filed them (and the contact) and a couple of years later had a look at the roll and realized that 'hey, I completely missed this great shot'...I'd hate to think I was trashing those images while shooting. A friend of mine says that the only thing that makes him feel better about this is that since there gone he doesn't have to worry about finding lost treasures in the future.
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Bob: In over 30 years of shooting, I have experienced what you are referring to more than once. So I tend to keep most all of my technically correct images just in case. Even slightly different exposures of the same image to have as a digital "dupe" much like I did with film. I was referring above to the initial edit where I go through the entire set and pick the primary run of images I plan on printing.


I use the on-camera LCD to check lighting or general exposure and trash the obvious junk like an image with way blown highlights or one that's fuzzy from long exposures when hand-holding (the 1Ds has a zoom review function that allows you to zoom in to about 16x). I do not like to edit critically from the LCD.

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