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Canon 85/1.8 USM

paul hart

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I had the 70-200/4 (and 100/2.8 and 28-105/2.8 and 28-105/3.5-4.5 and.....) and currently have the 85/1.8 + 200/2.8. I shoot a lot of portraits and the 85/1.8 gets - by far - the most use. I am VERY happy with it. Small, sharp even wide open, fast AF, fast aperture (good for both shallow DoF and natural light), very good flare control, unnoticeable distortion, relatively cheap..... What can one want more ?


Happy shooting ,


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Like the lens, but have to admit that it's easy to forget it's an 85mm lens and as a consequence if the shutter speed drops below 1/125 you're into camera shake territory (if handheld) and equally it's also sometimes prone to small DOF issues due to its fast aperture and longer focal length.


Otherwise it's a great lens - not as good as the Contax G 90/2.8 but faster and of course the Contax lens doesn't fit on my EOS :)



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