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my wedding test shot

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Afraid I have to dissagree on the severe crop, you lose too much of the detail of the moment. this is not the formal wedding shot it's the party and khiem nguyen need to keep in mind the context of the shot. It's a party!....;)...J<div>007ZNm-16855184.jpg.0d2a3b1b4596556e6a4f4865ce8792ff.jpg</div>
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As has been said, while it's not a bad shot, it was seriously underexposed. With digitization, it's easy to fix, as Jay has evidently done with some simple levels adjustments. You'll want to check your exposure, though, as it's much easier dealing with correct or close-to-correct exposures from the start.


As you wrote, it was only a test shot. This shot is an example of why tests are important. However, it would be a very good idea to find a custom lab to run your proofs for you and avoid Sam's/Walmart/Walgreens, etc. It will cost more, but will save you a great deal of time in the long run.


Good luck.

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Hmm, I'm not sure if it's over-exposed or under exposed, since the whites look blown out and I don't see a lot of detail in the blacks. I don't do more than snaps w/Tri-X for friend's weddings but have to wonder if Reala is the right film. Wouldn't something with lower contrast be better? Portra, maybe? Marc?


And am I the only one that feel like the image is leaning a bit to the left? The central woman appears straight but the two men behind seem to be leaning and then there is the column...

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