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Ends of Epson 1280 prints are lighter

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I am having a peculiar problem when Printing Photographs taken the

with the EOS 10D and printing with the Epson 1280 Inkjet Printer.


The problem is all the photos, color and B&W, have a small band(about

0.25 inch) on 2 sides(begining and ending) of the print that is

slightly, but noticeably, lighter/discolored than the rest of the

Photograph. The rest of the Photo except for these 2 bands is perfect.


This problem is only when printing photographs of the Size 8X10.

Infact the same photo printed in 4X6 does not exhibit this problem.

Also 8x10 photos using scanned images from 35mm Slides come out

correctly without any light bands at the start and finish.


I have tried various combination of printer adjustments, but don't

seem to be getting the solution.


Has anyone come across this problem ? What am I doing wrong ?


All the images are JPEGS.


Following are the printer settings:

Media Type = Premium Glossy Photo(hevayweight Matte has same problems)


Custom Settings:

Print Quality = 1440 DPI

No Color Adjustment selected


Paper Source = Sheet Feeder

Borderless - Not selected (selected also has same problems)

Paper Size = 8X10 (8.5 X 11.5 has same problems)

Printable Area :

Maximum Selected

Centered Selected


Digital Camera Correction = Selected(same problem is not selected)


I have written to Epson and they are yet to get back.


Any Help is appreciated.


The main problem is that the same setting give perfect results when

printing a slide scanned at 4000DPI and converted to JPEG. But when

using Images from the EOS 10D they give the distinct lighter bands at

the beginning and ending.


Thanks & Regards,


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Hi Hemen, That sure is a strange problem! It doesn't sound like you're doing anything "wrong", though. The only thing I can think of is if perhaps you are interplolating the 10D image file up a little bit to print at 8X10 - which normally shouldn't cause a problem anyway. Of course, you may not be doing this - there are many times that I'll just change the dpi to around 340 or so to get something close to that without interpolating. But if a smaller print does ok, and 8X10s from other sources (scanned slides) are good, that's about all I can think of. You didn't mention your imaging application - is it Photoshop? Are you shooting RAW and converting to jpeg or are the images pretty much straight out of the camera? I presume you cannot see this banding on screen? I think I'd try to take an image file that you know produces the problem on your printer and see if I could print it on another printer - hopefully another 1280, but at least another Epson to see if the problem follows the image file. I'd also try printing in something other than JPEG, if possible - either TIFF or Photoshop PSD. You might also try setting your 10D to Adobe RGB if you usually use sRGB or vice-versa. No problems here with my 10D and an Epson 2200 at any size. Best wishes on this one - it's a stumper!!
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I brought something like this up on a digital b&w yahoo printing forum a couple weeks ago and no one seemed to think anything of it. But here's my experience:


I used to shoot with a D100, any, and I do mean any print I tried to make from that camera gave me faint lines (banding) in the direction the printhead travels throughout the entire image. Now I can understand, maybe you think it's the printer. Well I replaced it 3 times! Every printer showed these same lines. This is printing a D100 image at full size (no cropping, no interpolation) so about a 7x10. Cropping an image or interpolating it did show the lines as well. I traded some prints with a guy on the yahoo group. I don't know if it was because I've been searching for these lines on just about every print. But every print he sent me taken with his D100 and printed on his 1280 had the same lines!


Now he also sent me a print from a scanned 35mm neg, NO LINES. I scanned some of my own negatives and printed, NO LINES. I went through months trying out different paper settings, dpi settings, ppi settings, etc. Nothing would work consistently. I could sometimes get 1 good print that didn't have these lines out of a dozen or so. Do the same exact steps and get the lines in the next print of the same image. I tried printing through Photoshop and Qimage, same thing.


I also tried printing images from my old Olympus C4000 and got, you guessed it, the lines! No I do not know what causes images from these digital cameras to do this, but I have 1 or 2 hunches. But really I'm not interested, I'm not an engineer or someone that likes to sit here endlessly and just test equipment. I like to create images (so far bad ones). So for me I found out what works, film. The digital camera went bye bye. I know this really doesn't help, but just letting you know you're not alone.



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