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Q for 10D/300D hobbyists--do you still use a film SLR for wide angle shots?


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I have the Digital Rebel/300D and am very happy with it. My previous

SLR was the Rebel Ti, so the transition to another Rebel body was

relatively smooth.


I held on to my Rebel Ti body so that when I got an ultra-wide angle

lens (I'm eyeing either the Canon 20-35 USM or the Sigma 15-30), I

could have a true wide-angle shot, not 1.6x cropped view.


So, just out of idle curiosity, are there any 10D or 300D users who

still use their film SLRs? If so, which model(s) and for what



Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

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Yep I still shoot film.

I'm too lazy to sit in front of a computer and do all that processing. I'd still rather take a roll to the lab and get someone else to do the printing.


In Sydney Australia, the average roll of 36 is about $12.00 for developing(1 copy 6x4) whereas digital is about $.80 + delivery (at least $35). So for 6x4's digital is 3x the cost of film.


I know the upside to digital "you don't print every shot", "you throw out the dud shots" etc etc. When digital printing becomes as convenient and cost effective as film, well thats when I'll get rid of my film cameras.


My 2c



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Photography is my escape from the boredom of work and home. I'm not on a strict budget nor am I in a rush. Heck, I leave images in my CF cards for weeks sometimes (wait until it fills up!). However, I enjoy the hunt and actually shooting more than postprocessing or viewing. So, in a way, it doesn't matter whether or not I shoot film or digital just as long as the subject is exciting and the equipment fun to use.


Thus, I use my EOS 10D several times a week but I still enjoy shooting film--chromes and negs--with my Nikon FM3A, Elan 7E and EOS 3 weekly as well. It really has nothing to do with wide angle, I find I prefer film for some things and digital for others. Plus, I don't find it necessary to enjoy photography strictly in front of a computer. Chromes on a light table are just as exciting, perhaps even more vivid than any print or monitor image.


Finally, I really enjoy the retro feel and huge and vivid viewfinder of my FM3A. I wish my 10D's viewfinder was that good. The FM3A's viewfinder makes me want to take a picture. The EOS 3's viewfinder is almost as good.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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I use my film cameras because I still like using film. :-) Mostly b&w, which I develop myself. But ultra-wide shots are possible with the 10D/300D and a semi-fisheye lens. I use the Yashica 15mm from my Contax 35mm SLR system via an adapter. Works great. Sometimes I correct the barrel distortion via PanoTools, sometimes not.


Another wide angle lens I love using is the Zeiss 21mm f/4.5 Biogon. I use it on a Contax IIa rangefinder camera from the early 1950s and also a year-old Cosina Voigtländer Bessa R2C. The Biogon was the first 21mm lens made for 35mm cameras and can still hang with the latest & greatest.



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NO! I haven't touched a film camera since going digital! I have sold all of my film bodies (except for my Bronica ETRSi) and havn't even thought of using film.


I have had a G2 and now a 10D and it has made me re-discover photography, in every sense. I still have a fridge full of 120 Fuji & Kodak film which I will soon sell since I can't see me using it ever :)

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Well, I kept my EOS1n, just for that reason, but it stays in the bag.

Also have a Canon 20-35, and it keeps the 1n company most of the time.


When I shot film I wasn't into wide angle stuff very much, 28mm being my lens limit, and just didn't miss it. Now that 28mm is, what? 42mm?, I STILL don't seem to want much more. Just my preferences, plan to keep the 1n and the w.a., though, ya never know.

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When I'm out I seldom have a chance to change to a film body just for a wide angle

shot. Yes, when out shooting I often bring my 1n along but it never gets used.


Here's a shot I had to use my film body on to get the angle I desired. This was in



I use the 20-35 USM with my 10D all the time, and very seldom wish to go wider.


Other times I use the film body are to clear out a freezer full of Velvia, and shooting

infra-red. Otherwise, it's 10D all the time.

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I'd just loaded a roll into my Elan when I got hold of my 300D. That roll stayed at one frame spent for months! Until I gingerly shot some wide angle architecture shots with a 19-35mm.


The 300D is just so fun I almost never use film nomore! Except for 'wider than 28mm' shots which you'd be hard-pressed to find a lens for on the 300D. Since I DON'T have such a lens (borrowed), I'm pretty much 300D bound. :)

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I have an EOS 30 (= Elan 7E) and a 10D with the 28-135 IS USM. I haven't used the EOS 30 since I got the 10D.

<p>On the EOS 30 I've often bumped against the long end - 135mm was sometimes too short. On the 10D I've often bumped against the short end - 28mm is sometimes too long.

<p>First on my list is the 17-40L, and I'll also try it on my EOS 30 when I buy it. Second on my list is a telelens, maybe the Sigma 100-300 EX, but I haven't really decided yet.

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Film never did much for my photography.


Being 100% at ease with computers, I do all my own image processing and printing - far cheaper than film equivalent and part of the creative process.


I use multiple "stitched" shots to create extra-wide angle shots. not as convenient, but usually acceptable.

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