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Need a D100 Picture-taking lesson 101


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I am trying to take a close-up picture of a pink sunflower in my

front yard with my D100. However, everytime I previewed the picture

the pink flower looked yellow-ish, not even a trace of pink. I tried

to manipulate all possible settings and options for White Balance,

to no avail. I'm using my Nikon 24-85G lens. What else do I need to





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Bert, I am not familiar with the D-100; however, most cameras have a custom white balance setting. Do that as follows: Hold a piece of white paper in front of the camera in the same light as the flower. Be sure to only include the paper in the viewfinder. Let the camera take that reading and push the set button on the camera. Now you should be able to take the picture as best as the camera can. Hope this helps. Other option is photoshop manipulation. Regards and Good Luck. Peter
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I agree with Peter; it sounds like a White Balance issue. The presettings on the D-100 are very good. However, there is no substitute over a Custom White balance�I prefer doing it through the D-1oo�s control knob over the menu. It seems to go more smoothly this way.


Also, I wouldn�t put to much stock in your camera�s screen. It�s great to check composition and to see if there are any obvious problems, but they�re not so good at checking color or exposure issues.


Unless your computer�s monitor is properly calibrated to your printers output, I wouldn�t put to much stock in it either.


Try posting the photo on this string�s sight. It could prove useful in finding your particular problem.

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Just shoot it in raw and you can adjust the exact white balance post-click. Even if the white balance is somewhat off, that wouldn't make a pink flower turn yellow... I have never seen this with my D100. Perhaps there is something wrong with the camera?


Does this same thing happen when shooting other subjects? Have you tried the same flower with a different lens? All things to think about.

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Put something white in a test shot along with the flower and see what it looks like. I use warmcards (www.warmcards.com) but any white paper will help. See if the white you're seeing on the monitor is the white on the paper. You could be getting a yellow reflection off something (house?) that your eyes filter out when you're looking @ the photo. If you have Photoshop and the color is off the white card can be used to pull it back in line.


Also, are you sure your monitor is corrected?


I shoot a D100 and i've not seen a yellow problem.

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