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Can anyone help with some local knowledge regarding:<br><br>

<u>Newspaper Rock Canyonlands </u><br>

1)How easy is it to get to the rock and from where(Needles?)<br>

2)How difficult is it to photograph in winter?<br>

3)The area is supposed to be very dry. Any ideas how much snow is

likely in early January?<br><br><u>Tucson</U><br>

4)Any good recommendations for stores to buy snow chains from?



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Not really close but if the area is like the Los Angeles area, most auto supply stores, especially the larger national, uh, chains, will have chains, with the expectation that people might be traveling. Also places like Sears, etc. I suppose WalMart but haven't really checked because I've had chains for various vehicles (and some might actually fit my current vehicles now). If you expect to travel to an area where you might need chains, it's probably a good idea to start looking in the lowlands well in advance, especially late in the season and/or if the vehicle is an uncommon tire size. And learn how to install them before you get to the mud and snow and goo.


As to Newspaper Rock, I'd suggest a google search, where I found this:


and check the various other sites. It sounds reasonably accessible year round but I didn't check that closely. It certainly isn't close to Tucson.

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(1) Newspaper Rock is on the way from civilization into the Needles entrance to Canyonlands. It's right by the side of the road - no hiking required.


(2) It's probably almost as easy to photo in Winter as in Summer. I have a roll shot Dec 29,2002 from there. The Rock itself faces almost due South, with some timing-dependent Sun blockage. In full sunlight, use a polarizer to enhance the contrast between the black patina and the pictographs. I think those look better than pictures with diffuse light, which tend to look flat. Which brings up another point: the weathering on the rock is *very* dark, and shiny - some of the thickest desert varnish I've seen.


(3) Snow - if any, only usually an inch or three. It's the desert - when it snows, the Sun comes out the next day or two and melts it all away. They do have major storms there, though. (Last time I gave advice to someone on a trip to the Arches/Canyonlands area, there was a 5+ft. snowstorm in Colorado blocking their trip back - but Utah was dry and sunny. :-)

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I'm about 85 miles east of Newspaper Rock. It's now snowing and snow is predicted for Moab area and southern Utah today and tomorrow. This could make for some great photo opportunities if you are still coming to the area. The snow on the ground at Arches usually doesn't last long but Canyonlands at a higher elevation will hold snow somewhat longer.


good luck,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all for the information.


Got to Monticello when a storm blew in - total white-out conditions. Stayed in Blanding for one night and tried to make the trip but the roads were hell (ice and snow). Newspaper rock will have to wait as will Canyonlands. However it meant diverting...went through New Mexico back to AZ and got some great shots at Petroglyph NM outside AQ. Drivers in AQ - something else.....

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