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ebay question

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I have sold many cameras on EBay like this. I do not like to sell a camera that has not been tested with film so that I know how well it works, how to use it, and if I want to hold onto it. Many cameras get the "I have not used this camera with film but I can see no reason why it won't work" line. I bought one like that (cheap) only to find out that it had been in a fire and the insides were melted. But he DID NOT LIE; you could not see the damage. I wish the seller had put one roll of film through it! So you can assume that the seller has tested it, upgraded, bought it and got bored of it, or just has too many cameras. At least you will know that it works.
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I have 140 plus positive feedbacks for transactions on eBay with only minor problems. I just bought a funky Kodak viewfinder for my Kodak Retina II today.


However, I also see what you are saying about "misleading" ads.


It's not just eBay. Take a look at the post just above yours, on this forum, for a Mint- Bessa R2 camera body with a Konica lens. It says: "Camera has less than 5 rolls through it." Ask him, "Why?"


Maybe someone buys something on impulse, plays with it for a few days, and just dislikes it, or, they are just lying.


I don't know the answer. I think truth is best. If they used it for two years...say so. If the camera is just not their style...say so. Be honest. That will clear the air and make the transaction a happy event. That has been my policy.


Why not ask the seller of the above item on this forum why he did not like the camera, or, was he being/or not being totally truthful about the 5 rolls?

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A lot of people also sell older Leicas and pride themselves with the statement: "Still has the 'L' seal intact." That only means that the camera has never been opened and never been serviced by a professional. I take that as a negative, right off the bat. I prefer to purchase "used" cameras that have been used a lot and used and serviced by competent people. Cameras sold by people who say "I've only shot ten rolls" are often untested and suspect. Not always, but often.
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Here's another typical bait. "xxx camera blah blah blah. With 50mm/1.4 lens in mint condition." You end up with a beat-up body plus a mint-looking lens. Read the description again. I never say both the body and the lens are mint. Even with a mint body, did I say it works?
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For one thing, Robert, I don't believe that many people really remember how many rolls had been through a particular camera. That's a fact, maybe except Brian.


So when I see an ad like that, I simply stay away. I could be totally wrong but I certainly can't remember how many rolls have been through any of my cameras, newer or older.

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Hey Todd,<p>


I have over 1000 positive feedbacks on ebay<p>And yes, I put 4 rolls of film through the Bessa R2<p>And, I bought the Konica lens off of a forum member here and only used it once.

I owned, in the past 4 months, a Nikon SP, Fuji 690, Leica M2, Leica M3, Pentax 67, Canon AE1 and some folders. Decided I cant use them all, so I am selling most. <p> Hey Brian - can you comment on my grading of cameras ?<p>

And yes, I have money and yes I buy on impulse. Butt guess what, the forum members HERE make out with good deals. $ 600 is a good deal.





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You know, I re-read your little note Todd, and I really resent the fact that you are intimating I may be lying. <p>

My PERFECT ebay feedback can be found by clicking <a href="http://cgi2.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=www-antiquecameras-net">HERE</a><p>

In case you have trouble reading Todd, it says 1121 positive and ZERO, nada, NILCH negative feedback. All this since 1996.

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>>. http://www.antiquecameras.net , mar 07, 2004; 07:36 a.m. I have over 1000 positive feedbacks on ebay. And yes, I put 4 rolls of film through the Bessa R2. And, I bought the Konica lens off of a forum member here and only used it once.


I don't necessarily think it's a matter of lying, it's simply a matter of presenting. You might put 4 rolls through the camera but the camera might have seen hundreds before you got there, unless you bought it new with warranty and everything from a forum member. Buyers really do care how much the camera has been used since the day it was out of store. If you don't know the entire history, maybe it is safe and also fair not to mention that to give a false indication that the camera is still practically new.


Just my opinion. I do not call anyone a lier unless I know for sure they are one.

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Here I have bought and sold many cameras on Ebay. I use to buy and sell on Shutterbug yellow rag newsletter; in the mid 1970's and earlier.<BR><BR> The Ebay several failures I have bought all have had good glass; good shutters; but faulty/flaky wind and gearing. These cameras were by sellers who said that "a few rolls were just shot" Often a seller will mention a few rolls have been shot; but they just tried the wind lever; and saw the sprocket rotate. One Ebay camera would shoot perfect frame spacing; shutter; but would not allow the film to rewind. The release clutch was all gummed up with old dried up grease. The film had to be removed in a changing bag. One camera had its film counter and double exposure mechanism and gearing all broken inside.<BR><BR> In folder type cameras; often there will be light leaks; pinholing in the bellows.<BR><BR> One of the Russian Zorki's of mine works perfectly with a 24exp roll; but jams at about the 32 to 36th exposure; with a 36 exp roll. Here a "few rolls" would always work with a 24exp roll; but Never with a 36exp roll.. <BR><BR> Common problems are also bad; dirty; blown flash contacts in mechanical shutters; or blown electrical "contacts" on new cameras.<BR><BR> In P&S cameras; and newer stuff; common problems are light leaks due to faulty/weak foam. I have about 2 dozen dead Olympus bodies I bought off of Ebay as junkers; several only had a slight light leak in direct sunlight; but none in normal shade shots.<BR><BR> In used Leica bodies; some have weak rangefinder patches. Many times the seller doesnt mention much about this. Beware if you assume anything. Some sellers dress up the auctions with stuff not included in the auction; ie Leica boxes; lens caps; etc....Leica buyers and sellers seem to worry alot about looks instead of function; like the Leicas are to be displayed; instead of used.<BR><BR> Lack of usage of any camera is a bad thing; often things will stick. I have seen many used camera owners have a self timer jam up; after they bought the thing at a camera show. Beware if a seller doesnt want you to test this stuff at a camera show.<BR><BR> A dent in the Leica cam surface of ones lens can cause weird focus problems. I once saw a Leica lens with a missing focus stub on Ebay; with no reference that it was missing; with this condition; there is no contact to the roller on the Leica body; and thus rangefinder focusing is impossible. Older Leica lenses from the 1950's can have surface scratches; and coating failures; beware of poor ebay photos.<BR><BR>
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I think with Mr. Colucci's 989 positive feedbacks on EBAY I would be inclined to trust



I've bought an M6, an M3 and a IIIc on EBAY (but not from him) plus an assortment of

lenses and so far have not been dissapointed. If you're nervous, look at KEH.com; you

will pay more but you have a money back guarantee. KEH never overestimates an

items condition.


You are wise to be wary. It pays to be careful, check feedback, email the seller and

never make a deal outside of ebay. In spite of the safeguardes, I think EBAY is a

crapshoot and you have to be careful.

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I have 2600 positive comments on Ebay. Many from camera buyers.

<br>Lots of people get rid of "slightly used" cameras for a variety of reasons. People will buy a camera because they're going on a trip, then, when they get back, it will sit in a closet for a couple of years.

<br>Students will trade-up thinking they need the better equipment right away.

<br>Most people, however, will buy a camera and then realize that they just don't like photography all that much. Mint Leicas still pop up that had been sitting in camera bags for over 40 years.

<br>They were bought as status symbols (surprise) by people who wanted something to compliment their fancy Swiss watch and new BMW.

<br>I bought a brand new G1 at auction, in the box, and have put 5 rolls through it. Now, I have to decide whether to sell it (before I put a scratch on it) or keep it.

<br>If a Seller has good feedback and a lenient return policy, it can be a smart buy. Return policy is everything.

<br>I understand that many Sellers will liberally use the "5 or 10 rolls" line to describe a camera which is "barely used," even though he has no personal knowledge of the camera's history. This would be a Mint camera which has no box, but, someone put a strap on it, so, it is assumed that it was used <i>somewhat.</i> I don't do this, because, it is basically untrue (as you don't know,) but, if it really IS a Mint camera, it is not entirely unfair to say that it seems to have had only "a few rolls" put through it.

<br>You're getting into the realm of what is a "Mint" camera, and this can be a little murky sometimes. Is it Mint/Unused, even though it has no display box? How do you know it's "unused," if it only appears unused? What's the real difference between a Mint/unused camera and one that had 4 rolls put through it?

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