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So Fla Leica Forum Get Together?

mike crist

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I noticed in another post that the previously discussed get together

of South Florida Forum Members (active and lurkers alike) has

apparently been confirmed to take place at or near the Camera Show on

2/14 at the Armory in North Miami. Further details would be welcome!


I agree with Jay that the show is a big disappointment compared to

it's promoters claims of being as "The Big One". However, I have

bought and sold a lot of gear there over the past four years, and

I've never come away empty-handed or left without some bargains. So

regardless of whether we score any Leica items, there are enough

deals on peripherals and non-Leica stuff that should make for some

interesting browsing and haggling. I have a lot of Leica R, Nikon

and Canon FD gear that I will bringing to swap and sell in order to

feed my M habit. Email me for a list if you are interested.


More to the point, it would be nice to personally meet some of the

folks here, and I'm sure there are others of like mind that would

enjoy sharing a beer or two while talking about things Leica. While

I'm not big on descending as a pack on some part of town to

photograph local "decisive moments", it would be pleasant to spend

some time with others who share this corner of real estate on



I look forward to meeting everybody. Let's agree on a time and



Cheers! -- Mike

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Mike, I too was thinking more along the lines of having a couple with some forumers when originally suggesting a get together. It does however appear that they will meet at the camera show. I have no idea as to what else is being scheduled as another forumer took over the planning. I'm unable to attend on 2/14 but would be very interested in another get together more along the lines of what you've mentioned the following weekend, or whenever.
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I plan to arrive @ 10am and meet with a couple of dealers with whom I've done business with before, see if anyone wants to buy what I'm selling, trade what I don't sell for something I want, browse the rest of the tables and call it quits by noon. So, we perhaps we could all rendezvous at the Armory's snack bar at noon and head out for lunch somewhere reasonably close by. Al Kaplan, any ideas on that?
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There is an interesting Pdf on Chasseur d'Images web site from a test of the Canon EOS

1Ds and 10D with 16-35/2,8.


The results are better on the 10D/300D.




Their conclusion is that only few EOS lenses are working well with EOS 1Ds' full size Cmos.


I think Leica was right to choose a 1,37x CCD for the Leica R digital back.

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Gators really don't like dining on fresh people. Synthetic fabrics don't digest easily. Their more usual method of eating larger animals is to stash them under water for a week or more and allow them to ripen until they're easy to pull apart. Yum!


High noon at the snack bar sounds like a plan. There are several restaurants within a mile or two of the armory. On the NW corner of Biscayne Blvd. (U.S. 1) and 123rd St. there is a flower cart so you can return home properly equipped to appease the lady in your life.

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<<Gators really don't like dining on fresh people.>>


Ok then Lucien's got nothing to worry about, only his views are stale.


<<there is a flower cart so you can return home properly equipped to appease the lady in your life.>>


And for you guys who don't want those flowers up your a** for skipping out to a camera show on Valentine's day, there are some good jewelry stores at the Bal Harbour Mall down Collins a piece.

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Jimmie's Place is about eight blocks or so from the Armory and has traditional American diner fare at reasonable prices along with very decent coffee, and pies and cakes. You'll still have enough cash left to buy those flowers!


John and I had a long interesting conversation about nearly everything under the sun, photographic and otherwise. It was a thouroughly enjoyable lunch. Thanks, John!

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