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Which Chimera box?

jay dougherty

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The Chimera Video Pro is for hot lights. It has a larger cowl or opening for a tungsten light and a deeper radius.


The Chimera Pro Plus is their top of the line softbox. It has a recessed, removable front screen and an interior baffle. They can be had with a white or silver interior. The silver interior has a little more efficiency and contrast.


I'd get the medium Chimera Pro Plus silver and a rotating speed ring.


Apparently B&H doesn't sell the Video soft box. That's why they say the Chimera softboxes that they sell are for flash only.

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Well Jay, one thing that irks me is people who are too lazy to do their own work. Unfortunately the internet and sites like this make it all too easy just to ask other people rather than learning for yourself. Five minutes perusing the Chimera site would not only have answered most of your questions but would have given you additional information and ideas that would benefit you. <p>

It's not that we don't want to answer your questions. This is a learning forum and photography is a technical craft. If you are going to ask questions about a product at least become familiar with the product line first.

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Speak for yourself "Oh Mighty One"(Hal). I'm more than happy to answer any question I know the answer to. Evan the ones I feel were'nt given a lot of thought before being asked. If your to busy why do you bother at all? You could have given a nice answer in the time it took you to write the negativity. Here let me show you how, its easy.

Jay, Chimara has a web site at chimeralighting.com. You should find some useful info there.

Now that was'nt hard, was it.

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I did go to the Chimera Web site.


Hal, you're acting like a jerk. Why do you think that the Internet gives you the guts to speak to someone in a way that I presume you'd never do to someone's face? I know what would happen if you spoke to me personally as you did over the Internet. You wouldn't like it.


I'll tell you one thing: When someone takes the time to spew invective online when it would have been far easier just to click somewhere else, that says a lot about a person.

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<i>Why do you think that the Internet gives you the guts to speak to someone in a way that I presume you'd never do to someone's face? </i><p>

Jay, that's a good point. After reading your initial question I came away with the impression I indicated. The internet is a very impersonal place. I don't know you, I can't judge your attitude by talking to you in person, so the only way to judge someone here is by what and how they write. If I misjudged you and overreacted I'm sorry. <p>

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Well, this is my first visit to this forum. Jay raised a question I had also. The White Lightning web site is not a very informative site, and to me raises more questions than answers. The answer Brooks Short gave was good, and informative. I could not get that info from the White Lightning web site. Hals post did not promote the idea that this could be a good forum, and I almost didn�t sign up because of his answer. I didn�t see any other posts like his, so I signed up to show the appreciation for Jay for asking this question and Brooks for his informative answer.


Now, if I could ask a question. I am considering a White Lightning X800, but would like to use it with a Photoflex Soft Box. Has anyone done this before?



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Well Gary, I guess we are kind of in the same boat. You had second thoughts about joining, now I'm considering quiting. <p>

I've been a member here for nearly five years and contributed over 1500 postings. When I first joined there was only one forum and it was common for you to be told to "search the archives then ask your question" if it was obvious that the information was easily available. No one took offense at that request though some didn't like it. Kind of like the stodgy old professor admonishing his students, you knew it was for your own good. <p>

There's little of that old respect left today. Most of our pros are long gone. Photo net has become just another internet resource where anybody and everybody can go for quick answers from faceless people or a place to display your images to boost your ego. Some people will actually argue with you about the advice you gave and threads will digress off topic and into the garbage can like this one. More and more I find I have to apologize for something I wrote that was misconstrued.<p>

Sorry, but I don't get paid for this.

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Well Gary, I guess we are kind of in the same boat. You had second thoughts about joining, now I'm considering quiting. <p>

I've been a member here for nearly five years and contributed over 1500 postings. When I first joined there was only one forum and it was common for you to be told to "search the archives then ask your question" if it was obvious that the information was easily available. No one took offense at that request though some didn't like it. Kind of like the stodgy old professor admonishing his students, you knew it was for your own good. <p>

There's little of that old respect left today. Most of our pros are long gone. Photo net has become just another internet resource where anybody and everybody can go for quick answers from faceless people or a place to display your images to boost your ego. Some people will actually argue with you about the advice you gave and threads will digress off topic and into the garbage can like this one. More and more I find I have to apologize for something I wrote that was misconstrued or violated someones fragile ego.<p>

Sorry, but I don't get paid for this.

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Hal man, things change, this is a go forward society, the internet has grown, the world has grown. I�m sorry if you miss the good old boys club from five years ago, I remember checking in back then, and you�re right, it was just a few. And a limited knowledge base to draw from. But now, more the merrier as far as I feel. Maybe most of the pros of then are gone, but out with the old and in with the new I guess, there are plenty of pros here, willing to learn and teach. If you�re finding you are apologizing more and more, maybe a look at ones attitude and behavior is in order? Don�t go man, there�s strength in numbers here.
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>>Some people will actually argue with you about the advice you gave and threads will digress off topic and into the garbage can like this one.<<


Just checked in after several weeks. I'm quite sure that threads digressing into the garbage can are as a result of insulting replies, such as yours (I'm afraid), rather than straight responses to the questions.


There are many levels of questions, obviously. It does no one any good to respond to a question that you really do not wish to answer.

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