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Film Camera Medium Format


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This is probably just dreaming but here is the question but.... I

can purchase film direct from Kodak and have all the equipment to do

long roll on my lab. I have wanted to get a medium format (6x7, 70mm

to 5x7) camera for MANY years that uses roll film. I know I can get

color & B&W 5� roll as well as 70 mm roll film very easily. What I

wanted to know is what cameras use sprocketed 70mm films that have

good quality? Granted I would love a 5� roll camera but I do not

think there are many choices other then the old aerial (4x5) ones

that are not able to get close up as far as I know. A couple of

people I know use Hasselblad so I know there is that one but I do not

know which ones are the ones to be �looking for�. Any thoughts?


Would be planning to do mostly portrait type and landscape but would

also do a little aerial (though I am not a big fan of flying).




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Thanks, I will take a look into a few things. I found someone that has a camerz to part with but I can not find out anything about it. It is a camerz classic. I can not even find images. Anyway it sounds like it will take long rolls so I will see what they want. It would be nice to take some shots that will allow me to make some wall hangings and take some of the group shots folks have asked me for too. I tend to use my digital far too much and the quality is fine for small 5x7 and 8x10 but when you wnat 30x40 and 40x50 forget it!




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I'm not sure why you would go to 70mm considering the limited choice of emulsions, but if that's OK with you, it's fine by me too. Some of the suggestions seem a bit expensive so far. Consider a Mamiya press, with a 70mm RFH. The holder comes up occasionally on ebay, and fairly cheaply from memory,(the completed items listing may show closing prices). Also from memory, I think you need the Mamiya varieties which take the Graflok back. These are relatively uncommon. These backs should also fit RB/RZ variants, but do your homework first.
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  • 2 weeks later...

For a relatively inexpensive 70mm solution look into the Graflex xlrf with the RH50 back. The XL has its detractors but I have one with the 70mm back, which can use perf'd and non-perf'd film, a 120 back, a 220 back and a polaroid back. A good setup with good glass (Planar 80mm), and tractor-like construction. Numerous lens choices for this camera as well (58mm to 270mm) all of which can surpass many quality lenses manufactured today. I picked up the Graflex so that I could shoot some of my aerial film stock in something other than my 15 lb., fixed-focus Agiflite. Good luck, and let us know what you decide on.


Matt Ganley


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