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Really grainy B&W scans, how to retouch in photoshop

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I have some 20 year old Tri-X negatives that I have scanned, the

grain is huge, partly because its tri x, and partly the age of the

negs (probably poor development that reticulated the grain). Anyway,

I'm looking for any photoshop techniques or tricks that might mellow

out the grain a bit while keeping the image sharp. I tried copying

the layer, bluring it and them changing the transparency. It is

somewhat successful, but the blurred effect, while making the tone of

the photo better, makes for a soft print. Any other tricks for this

type of problem?

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I am using the NeatImage on my color negative scans, and it is pretty good. I use NeatImage to process the raw scan before I open it in Photoshop. I also downloaded the trial version of Grain Surgery 2 at www.visinf.com, but got an error message (I use Windows XP Professional, 2.6 GHZ CPU, and 2 GB RAM). Because it is a trial version, I did not get any response from the tech support on fixing the error or uninstalling the GS 2.


I also tried the Vuescan software because it is recommended by a lot of users. For my purpose (color negs), it does not remove more grain than my OEM Minolta software, and the color is on the cyan side, therefore I did not buy it.


Hope this helps.



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As a follow up, I tried Neat Image and am quite impressed, it took what were Very grainy shots and made them usable for 13 x 19 prints, something I couldn't have done with the originals. I found that if I combined the neat image processed image with the original and used layer transparency I can tweek the amount to grain I want to show and retain a nice tonal range in the print. Thanks for the tips
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