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Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 not seen in OS X Panther 10.2

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My Minolta Dimage Scan Elite 5400 no longer works. The OS is seeing it, but the

Dimage Scan Software v1.1.1 says it can't see the scanner. I presume this is directly

related to my 10.2 upgrade to 10.3 Panther. Has anyone else experienced this

problem yet? In the mean time I'll check everything over again just in case the Panther

issue is a red-herring.

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Is it connected by Firewire? FW seems to be a problem with OS X, long before Panther,

and quite apart from the issue with fried FW disk drives. My Epson 2450 when

connected by FW is seen sometimes, not seen most of the time. I gave up, and use

USB for everything now. Never a problem, and USB2 is almost as fast as FW.

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Thanks for the advise guys. Firstly, yes I'm using Firewire. Ok, I've just done the

10.3.1 upgrade. Still no luck. The system is still seeing the scanner (confirmed via

system profiler). But the Diamge software is still syaing that it can't see the scanner.

I'm still working on a solution. Does anyone have this scanner working via firewire in

Panther? I'm concerned that the Dimage software (v1.1.1) is not Panther compliant.

Many thanks. - Ian.

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The good news is that if I boot my G4 from a 10.2.6 volume, the scanner works fine.

I've emailed Minolta (as I think it's the Dimage software thats at fault in some way).

However, heres a clue. Both Vuescan and SilverFast don't see the scanner either (in

Panther). - Ian.

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Well firstly Panther is not the same as 10.2. 10.2 is known as Jaguar.

Secondly I have no problems using Dimage Scan software with osX 10.3

(panther) and the Dimage software v1.1.2. Your problem sounds like one I

get when I launch the scan software whilst forgetting to turn on the scanner.

Perhaps you should try updating your software AND turning the scanning on

BEFORE launching the Dimage scan software.

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Rue, firstly I AM using 10.3.1 Panther, the moderator changed the heading to 10.2 by

accident. But we'd worked that out. Secondly It's NOT the boot sequence of the

scanner. Thanks, but I'm not a novice. However, thanks for letting me know it CAN

work in panther. I guess something is screwed in my installation. I'll keep on it.

Booting back to 10.2.6 is not what I'd call a solution (for me). - Ian

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Solution! I had neglected to install "Scanner Launcher (5400)" option. Otherwise

known as "MFSButton Monitor". With it installed, the 5400 works fine on 10.3.1.

I'd previously left it out on my 10.2.6 install because it sucks 5% of my CPU even at

idle. I pack my scanner away to minimize dust, so its mostly not even plugged in.

Obviously a requrement in Panther. Drag it's icon into the dock and you can drop it

out of startup so that you can run it up manually a few seconds before you plug-in

your scanner. Hope it works for you. - Ian.

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I've got a Scan Multi (the first version) and it also doesn't work in 10.3.x. VueScan can calibrate the scanner (or at least makes the scanner make the right noises) but hangs when I try to scan or preview.


SCSI connected, Apple's SCSI card in the Dual Process G4.


I would love to hear solutions.



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