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Holga and Tri-X


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I've been trying out Delta, Tmax 400, Tri-X 320 and now Tri-X 400 in

my Holga 120S and I must say that I'v never been as 'content' with

the results as when using this film.


So for anyone out there using a Holga - give Tri-X 400 a try in it.

I personally loved the rich black I got.


Here are a few examples from last week in Chinatown (from an on-going

project you can find <a href="http://pbase.com/terriwu">Here</a href>

for those that want to).


<center><img src="http://www.pbase.com/image/24661562.jpg"></center>


<center><img src="http://www.pbase.com/image/24661696.jpg"></center>


<center><img src="http://www.pbase.com/image/24704157.jpg"></center>


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Terri, if you like what your getting now, which I have to say is very nice stuff!,

try your Holga with TXP and soup in Diafine. You'll love it! More detail in

shadows, more sharper (higher acutance) and your highlights will be perfect!!!

3 minutes Bath A, 3 minutes Bath B, Fix, wash and shazam!

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