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Remote for S1/S2??

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Anyone know of a way to fire an S1 or S2 by remote (I DON'T mean

connected to a computer)? I would like to use my Quantum radio

transmitter/receivers to fire the camera. There's probably a way to

use the plug that connects to a computer, but I don't want to

experiment too much. Thanks.

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  • 3 months later...

I built a radio remote for my dad's F90X and built an electro-mechanical adaptor for his rolleiflex so he could be in my wedding photo's, but you'd need a little engineering capability to sort it out. The S1 remote release is mechanical same as the Rollei so it can be done. If you're interested post a reply & I'll sort out pics & wiring diagram etc.

Using the USB interface is possible using a custom programmed PIC chip but you'd have to use a memory oscilloscope and work out the required signal, USB is serial too so it's not just a case of squirting some data at the camera, there's the handshaking of the USB protocol for the PIC chip to handle too (even if data only goes one way communication is required in both directions!)

Hope this helps,


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