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Nikon FM3A - chrome or black?


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I want to buy myself the FM3A but I still have to decide which body

color to choose. Which version will show less wear after several

years of use? I currently have the FM2 chrome which is in excellent

condition after several years of (rather sporadic) use and wonder

what can I expect from the black version in terms of wear. Will the

paint peel off the metal parts in climate with normal temperature and

humidity? Are the corners prone to paint abbrasion?

I plan to use this camera as my companion for my personal photography

(let's say it's street photography and cityscapes). That means good

treatment of the camera, strolls on the streets of my city,

occasional bike rides.


BTW which color is more professional in your eyes? ;-) I know it's

kind of foolish but this thought also comes to mind when considering

a classic 'personal' camera like the FM3A. I'm gonna keep it forever!

(the FM2 too :-)






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I chose the chrome version for myself. I don't have it anymore. I had to trade it in to get autofocus, but I sure wish I could have kept it (couldn't afford both). It's a terrific camera. Only you know what you like best. I personally didn't care what looked more professional. I just liked the chrome version better. From what I've heard, the black isn't all that durable on the FM3a, so I suspect the silver version would look newer after a time. They both look nice though.
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Well, from a purely asthetical point of view, I prefer the black cameras. IMO they look more "professional" and I really just like the way that they wear. The chrome ones will deffinetly not show its age as much if your concerned about that. I however appreciate the worn look that the black cameras take on after years of use. They have so much more charecter to them in my eye.
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I'll second Chris. Chrome wears better, black has more of a 'pro look'. When new, I think black attracts less attention (this is the origin of 'pros use black cameras' legend). After the black wears to brass at the corners (and it will) this marks the camera as one that 'gets used' and has seen some things. It still attracts less attention, though at close range you get some second looks as people take in the 'brass'.


I take the 'black' a step further and blank the logos with gaffer tape. Most people think I'm nuts, but I have fewer inane conversations ("oh, a Nikon, that must be expensive.")

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I don't know many pros who place a huge significance on the

color. And personally, I'm not the least bit interested in

impressing someone who would use my camera color to judge

my photographic prowess. In older designs, black is more

expensive because it's coated onto metal, and it wears

worse for the same reason. With newer molded plastic

cameras, I think the reverse may be true.


In your situation, I'd give strong thought to getting a

black FM3a, just to make it easy to distinguish

it at a glance from your chrome FM2. The cameras are

similar enough that someday you'll pick up one when you wanted

the other if they're the same color.

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Tomas - this is really a matter of personal taste. If you want more opinions, search the archives. There are many threads discussing black versus chrome colored cameras. To answer your question "Are the corners prone to paint abbrasion?", yes they are on the black versions. Some people like this though. But really, the camera will be the same camera, whatever color you pick. If you want your camera to look "professional," then buy the md-12 motor drive. This will make a much bigger difference in the look of your camera than the camera color.
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What's your favorite color? (answers may vary.)

My opinions/feelings-

Black feels understated, chrome feels flashy. Both are noticeable as they are nikons, but the tape over the logo works. Unless it's chrome.


I had the same choice in tripods- went with black- as it won't reflect nearly as bad as the natural AL legs. I'd think the same would apply to the camera. All my bags are black. All my straps are black. See a pattern?


Not that you should follow it- but every time I see a chrome FM3a I wonder why it's not black.


I guess it looks fabulous next to the Rolex when in chrome trim.

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If you do close-up or table top work chrome may effect your lighting adversely. It may show up on reflective objects. I�ve got two FE2 where I blacked out the name. If necessary I�ll tape over the Nikon on my F5 temporarily.


From reading, probably years ago in America Photographer magazine, black as "professional" comes from war photographers taping over or painting there cameras during the Korean War. Things that sparkle tend to get shot on a battle field.

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Although it won't effect the ability of your camera. chrome does wear better. The paint doesn't "Chip" off. It wears off to base metal color in some areas. Like the strap lug areas and the "points" on the finders. Look on eBay for a used F3HP, and you see what I mean.


But black, at least for the first few years, does look so good, especially with the motor drive (There is one for the FM3A isn't there?)

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The Nikon FM3a (A.K.A FE3) uses the MD-12 just like the FE2 and FM2(n). The MD-12 is an upgraded MD-11 which could drain the camera batteries if its power switch was left on. I believe the MD-12 was introduced before the FM2 and FE2 and it works with *FM and FE.


*Check Photography in Malaysia in you have an early serial number FM. I never owned an FM and I�m not sure if there are issues these with these or not.

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"Although it won't effect the ability of your camera. chrome does wear better. The paint doesn't "Chip" off. It wears off to base metal color in some areas." -- Rob


That was my understanding as well. However, my chrome body has chipped a but and instead of brass, some black/dark stuff is showing underneath.

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Tomasz, I checked out your website and I'm quite surprised that a photographer of your caliber would be worrying about something as stupid and insignificant as camera color. Just close your eyes and pick one, because whichever color you choose, you will forever be second-guessing yourself and wondering why you didn't choose the other. The ultimate solution? Buy one of each.
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Thanks to all of you for your answers on this 'body color' topic! This thread is already longer than it deserves, that's why I think it can be quitted now.

One word of explanation: the average 1 month's salary in my country is 400 dollars, the FM3A costs 1000 dollars here. Now you probably see why I want to spend my money on the longer lasting model.






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