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28-135 makes whining/grinding when focusing is this normal?

from earthy

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Im starting experinecing a grinding sound the lens is almost 3weeks

old. the first time i bought it I never heard this kind of

whining/grinding sound it sound like there is a sand inside the

lens. at the first day i bought this lens I test it with 1 roll of

36shoot film. The second time I go with a pro photographer we shoot

wedding a used 2 rolls of film after i got home I cleaned my camera

after 4 days after the wedding I test the camera then i heard this

whining sound should i send it back to the store?

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Others have made the same observation about the 28-135 IS becoming louder with more and more use, but still working fine.<p>Just to expand on Keith's advice to ask a salesperson for advice - make sure they know what they are talking about. I've run into moronic salespeople who say a Digital Rebel weighs less than a 10D because the Digital Rebel has a titanium metal body, and that the EF-S 18-55mm is compatible with all EOS bodies.
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<p>Autofocus on my three-year-old 28-135 is still pretty much silent. IS makes a bit of noise, but nothing I'd describe as a grinding sound (unless you're referring to the noise made by IS if you're panning, which you're not supposed to do with IS enabled).</p>


<p>Turn off IS and try again. Does the noise remain?</p>

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Do you just LOVE those professional sales morons? Some people will tell you just about anything before they'll admit "I don't know." Although I sometimes wonder if the more treacherous among them know better, but get their kicks by seeing how grotesquely they can mangle the facts, and still get a gullible consumer to accept them.


My all-time favorites (although not photo-related):


When buying a CD player: the salesman who described random playback as playing the tracks on a disc in "their numeric order," and sequential playback as playing the tracks "all shuffled." (This was in the early days of CD players, when not all units featured random playback.) When I attempted to VERY POLITELY disagree and correct him, his response was "No, you're wrong." I did an about-face and walked out the store.


When shopping for VCRs: the saleslady who self-assuredly explained that S-Video is "digital video." (Another sale lost!)

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I send it back to the store but the salesperson said they will send it back to canon for lubrications Geez the lens is almost 3weeks old, I force the salesperson to give me new lens or else he will die then he give me a new lens. Are those stores in states how long can you have the lens then if you dont like change another lens?
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The service you get from any individual shop is directly proportional to how serious they are about customer satisfaction and their market-share in that locality. If the only way for them to make a sale good is to mention the fleeting span of mortal existence, then perhaps that's what works with them. Everyone has a different language. But a grinding, sand-feel to the zoom sounds like crap to me whether accompanied by whining sound or not. maybe they're peddling equipment that was used up by the employees then repackaged, who knows. None of my lenses make any noise whatsoever, and on manual focus they feel like they're riding on air, and they *don't* loose their focus when the lens is panned or elevated. I believe Canon does not make lenses with the idea of making a lot of noise in quiet environments.
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