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10D Sensor Cleaning -- Air planes


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I have already read Bob Atkins article on sensor cleaning, and

many many threads on the forums with regard to this subject.


From what I have read Eclipse optic cleaning solution is not

allowed on air planes as it is methanol which is flamable and

therefore prohibited. My question is how to people clean their

sensors in the field or in remote locations when they can't bring

their trusty bottle of eclipse solution. Blower bulbs are pretty

useless for removing dust, so what other options does one have??



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A little bottle of cleaning solution is probably far less lethal than some aerosol hairsprays that people pack in their suitcases. I would often carry methanol or other flammable solutions for cleaning optical systems. If you are concerned about packing a prohibited item, there are some solvents that are non-flammable (though many are toxic). One of my favorites was Freon TF. Though it isn't normally available in the US, it sometimes appears on lab shelves.
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