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2 1/4 x 3 1/4 "520" Kodak packfilm - what cameras?


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I believe the smaller of the two Kodak Rocomar camera models will take the film pack you're talking about. I've got one around here somewhere. I'll locate it and see if the film pack is with it. I'll post later what I found out.


BTW, I understand your wanting to buy a camera to shoot the film in. It sound like something I have done in the past. I've blown money in some weird ways, but it was fun!



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There are lots and lots and lots of cameras that take this. If you have a classic 2 1/4x3 1/4 Graflex with a graFLEX back, you can get a holder for it very inexpensively.


I have used these before, and they are a SERIOUS pain. The paper flaps often tear, the entire casette jams up... I cannot imagine how press photographers used them.

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Well, I found the camera, the packholder with some old film in it, and some single-sheet film holders.


This camera is a Recomar 18, from 1928-1932. Mc Keown lists it as 6x9cm size, so I don't know if your film will work in this model camera. The film pack that is in the holder measures 4 3/16" x 2 23/32" x 1/2". The film has no identifying markings on it to specify size, only "Kodak Verichrome Pan Film Pack". The cutout in the window of the holder measures 2 3/8" x 3 3/8". The holder has no markings on it at all, except for the darkslide, which says "Made in Germany". The single sheet film holders which fit this same camera are marked Kodak 6 1/2 X 9 cm. They appear to be for glass plates.


I also happen to have the "Kodak Premoette " that someone else suggested would fit your filmpacks. Mine is a No.1 Premoette Junior 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 and guess what? The film pack from the Recomar fits it perfectly! You query caused me to do some research on my own cameras and I ended up learning something about my own stuff that I didn't already know. I had always wondered what type of film that camera took. Is this a great forum, or what?!!!!


I realize my answer was lengthy, but I wanted to give you some information that hopefully you can use.


As a side note, the Recomar has a Kodak A.G. name on it. It was made by Dr. Nagel in Stuttgart, Germany. Mine is in pretty rough shape. I bought it for cheap, in the hope to one day restore it. I hope that happens, because it's a neat little camera.


Good luck and keep us posted on what you end up doing.



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