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Canon or Pentax 645


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Since about a year I`m a P67II user and happy with it, using the

45mm, 55-100mm, and the 200mm lenses with additonal 2x converter. Now

I'm considering whether to upgrade my old Canon equipment, buying the

EOS 3 with 17-35mm and the 80-200mm,or to buy the Pentax 645 and use

my P67 lenses with an adaptor with the P645. Any thoughts and

experiences would be really appreciated. Franz

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I believe that once you get into medium format you'll never want to go back... Since you feel partial to 35mm, you may want to try something like a Contax 645 AF or Mamiya's 645 AF. I own the Contax and I love the camera and I love the increased possibilities with the larger format... I am even thinking about going square now :-) It is more expensive to shoot medium format, but you will get better results and will be able to charge more for your work. This is my oppinion of course. Once you see your first enlargement though, you'll be sold for life. Got to go for now, have fun!


Jeff Tiemann Tiemann Photographie

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I actually sold my EOS to upgrade my existing 67's with a Pentax 645n. One of the best decisions I made! I can do EVERYTHING(!) I have to (i.e. fashion - studio AND catwalk (imagine the strange looks I get), portraits and even reportage). It does great and I find leaving the 67 behind more and more. It's a dangerous camera :-) I suggest you get it as you already own some Canon. I think you won't be sorry.
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I can tell you that my loyalty to pentax 645 will be eternal!If you click on my name on the bottom of this section you will see the last three memos I wrote about this camera.I have own my two cameras for a long time and I would almost work for free just for the chance to use them(I have a beautiful wife and kids so I have to charge)Many friends of have looked down on me for owning a pentax system until their own european cameras break down or lock up in the middle of a shoot.what is so good about their lenses if there is no reliable camera behind it!Many of them have borrowed my system to then agree on how well it handles and how sharp the lenses are.The problem some of this cameras may develope is on the preasure plate on the 6X7 cameras can get worn out and not press film even on the plane and it gives the impression that the lens is soft.This is VERY easily fixed and most people can do it at home for free!The 645 may need to have the screen removed and cleaned to remove dust and foam crud.This may also affect the focusing.(very rare)I recomend keeping some kind of 35mm system at all times.I have a pentax ME super just so ican use 645 lenses on it,but I use Nikon for most of my 35mm work.If you decide on the pentax 645 you too willenjoy years of hassle free photography.

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There can never be a single right answer to this question because it depends so much on your photographic subjects, style, travel needs etc. If you do sports or need to use long tele's then 35mm will be essential. If you need to travel with light weight, do low-light photography or use multiple camera bodies then, again, 35mm. For portraits, weddings and landscapes then 645 or even 67. B/W, colour slide or colour print will again influence you. You might wish to use certain films that are only available in 35mm. I would never get rid of my EOS gear but have certainly considered replacing the P67 with P645 due to the various P67-endemic causes of unsharp pictures which the P645 appears to avoid.
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Thanks a lot to all who responded. I made up my mind to go for the P645, as I do landscapes most of the time for what the 645 format will be better than 35mm. Another point is the possibility to use my P67 lenses and the Pentax flash. The Canon upgrade has to wait. I`m going to partially trade it in for my 2x converter of my P67II, which made my pictures too soft.


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Stop!!! Before you get rid of that 67II Camera send it to a reliable camera Repair Specialist or Facility to get it thoroughly checked out. There is a reason you are getting soft images. It may not have anything to do with poor camera build quality. It could need an ever slight adjustment. This camera can produce tack sharp images with the 45mm (which I have), 55mm, 75mm, 105mm, 165mm LS, 135mm (particular this lens) and 200mm (a little soft). Obviously, I have the 67II and the mentioned lenses. This is no slight against the Pentax 645. The 67II is fine precision instrument with excellent optics for the price for its category. Go here for some examples of the quality: http://www.mindspring.com/~jwc3/home.htm. Call this Repair Specialist that I know. Mark Hama 770 565-1498. Precisely describe your issue and he will find it and fix it at a reasonable price. It won't hurt to check it out. Its free!! Best of Light!!
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