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Bodybuilding Pics

jim g.

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I have been asked by an 18 year old male college student to do a

photo shoot of him for an upcoming bodybuilding contest. he will

have a list of the required poses that must be submitted with his

application. he has also asked that I take a few nude photos that

he wants to have for his own use. Any suggestions for this shoot?

Indoors/outdoors? (November in NJ can be chilly) Lighting? (Is a

camera mounted flash sufficient?) Do I charge him anything other

than cost of film/processing? Any ideas would help. Thanks.

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Well, to answer at least a few of your questions: <P>


1. You should probably shoot indoors. If you want to shoot nudes outdoors, you'll need a permit from the local mayor's office -- unless you want to either get arrested or hike out into the middle of nowhere where no one will see you. <P>


2. Camera-mounted flash is NOT going to be flattering. Most photos of this type are done in studios with a whole array of lighting equipment. Because the primary purpose is just to document this guy's body, you could use it if you can't think of anything better. Sidelight will bring out the nuances of his musculature much better. <P>


3. Given that you're not sure whether you should just use the flash on your camera to light these pictures, you probably shouldn't charge more than film and processing. <P>

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Hi Jim,

just one idea: whereas it`s already stated, you shouldn`t go outdoors (if its sunny light will be to harsh) you might be able to use the gym (assuming its a place with some more space then your living room and with windows). This would give you the chance to set up a background, and use daylight (soften with a curtain and use additional reflector opposite side).

Basically you find a lot of technique hints with the nude photography folks, for basically modelling the body shapes is just the same.

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Go buy a bodybuilding magazine and look at the lighting and poses and you'll have a better idea of what is required to do this young man justice.

I used to know a competitive bodybuilder and competing was rigorous as was everything that went with it, including the photos. So you need to see how it's done because these aren't just the usua; nude genre.


Some of the best lighting I've seen was on bodybuilding photos.



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A couple of things you may not realize about bodybuilder pictures. In general he will

need immediate access to weights, the pictures are taken "pumped". Second he will

likely oil himself to enhance definition. BB pictures are all about definition. He'll also

be eating different the last few days to burn off fat and water. You definitely want to

have your light coming from an angle to create shadow and highlight on muscle.


<a href="http://www.davidfordphotography.com/shoot.htm">This</a> site seems

to have some guidelines for preparation.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Thanks for all the responses. I really appreciate your efforts. Based upon what you have told me, I am going to invest in some lights, stands, and soft boxes and set up a small studio in my basement next to my gym. I think I will have what I need then. I also appreciate the pic that was posted; it is a fine example of body art; i.e., the male form. I would like to try to duplicate the photo with Joey, the kid I will be photographing; not for his use, but for my experience. If anyone else has other pics that I may try to copy (style, not in printing) please post them for me to see and study. Thanks again for all the wonderful info and encouragement. Jim G.
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