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Epson 1640 Photo


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I'm thinking about getting the new Epson 1640 Photo scanner for 645

scanning. Has anyone tried out one of these yet? Is it a big

improvement over the Epson 1200, and how is it compared to the

expensive Epson 1600 pro? Please post if you have actual experience

with it. Thanks.

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Just got the 1640 photo last week and am very pleased. I previously had tried 2 different 1200 photo scanners, but I returned them both because of colored lines showing up in the shadows. There is noticeably more resolution and a little more dynamic range on the 1640 as compared to the 1200. Otherwise they are very similar both on the hardware and software side. The 1640 does come with Photoshop LE, whereas the 1200 did not. Have not used the 1600 Pro, but the specs from epson are almost identical, excepting the Firewire interface.


If you want noticeably better quality for medium format scans, I think you would need to make a serious jump in cost to something like the Imacon Photo or the Polariod Sprintscan 45 Ultra.

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I too am interested in getting the Epson 1640 Photo scanner and was wondering how good it is in handling 6X6 and 6X7 slides. I'm looking at getting a scanner that scans 6X6 and 6X7 good enough for printing 8X10s and also 35mm slides for printing 8X10s as well. Due to a limited budget I can only afford a scanner under $500. I'd appreciate any advice.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I went ahead and bought the Epson 1640SU Photo scanner, and have found the results to be decent. No shadow noise, unlike most flatbed scanners in this price range, and reasonable shadow details. I've placed some scan samples on my server. All pictures were taken with Mamiya 645 ProTL, Mamiya lenses, and Kodak Portra 160VC. I couldn't get VueScan (latest version) to work with the scanner connected thru SCSI, not sure about USB.


<a href="http://brucelin.com/mf/display.asp">Scan Samples</a>

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