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Slave unit not triggered by E-TTL pre-flash.


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I'm wondering if there now exists a small slave unit (like a "peanut"

slave) that will trigger a second flash on the main "pop" of a 550EX

flash and *NOT* be triggered by the E-TTL preflash? I know that they

make such slaves for use with "digital" cameras to trigger auxiliary

flashes for them, but I can't seem to find one whose documentation

explicitly states it will work with the Canon pre-flash system. Do

they exist? I also realize I can switch to plain TTL and get around

this, but I really like the "better" metering of E-TTL and don't want

to use a 2nd E-TTL compatible flash, e.g., 420EX or another 550EX. I

have a double flash Kirk macro bracket, but it's so heavy with the

2nd (420EX) flash mounted that my arms "quiver" while focusing after

a few hours of shooting. (I shoot hand-held macro, in the bush.)

What I have in mind is to find an itty-bitty manual flash unit

(taking just 2-AA's, for example) that would be small enough

to "strap" to the big lens hood of my 180L and use as a small fill

flash, by setting it to its lowest power (and covering it with layers

of diffusion material, if needed). I know that mixing E-TTL with non-

E-TTL flash can lead to overexposure, but I'm a big boy and can

handle that with a little experimentation. I'm doing single point

metering and just need a "pinch" of fill flash. I've tried the

alternative of various reflectors mounted on the hood and what not,

but they always seem to scare the dickens out of whatever bug I'm

stalking, causing them to take off. I also don't want to use any

kind of "radio" trigger either, as that would be too expensive. I've

searched the archives here, but can't seem to find a thread that

mentions any particular device like this. If you know of something,

I'd be interested. Other than the options I've already excluded

above, any clever alternative ideas would also be welcome. Thanks in


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There's a Wein "digital" peanut that does what you need. Things could get tricky if you try to use FEL or 2nd curtain sync though, as I think it depends on the time between the preflash and the main flash being relatively short to operate correctly.


The other alternative is to spend the big bucks on the ideal tool for the job - the MR 24EX.

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