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Bronica ETRS light tightness

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I have recently (arrived yesterday) come into a Bronica ETRS kit. The

came with a 105mm/f3.5 MC lens, 120 back and prism (unmetered) finder.


This is my first medium format SLR. I played with the parts pretty

extensively yesterday night, and I noticed one thing, that there do

not appear to be any 'light seals' per se. You know that felt-like

substance that sometimes lines the surfaces where camera backs close,

etc. The back instead has a notch all aroung the mating surface that

rides in a groove on the back of the body. Is this how thinds should

be? I've got a roll of film in it, has been there, in room light for

about 18 hours, my plan in to expose the roll as a test roll, and

then see what the negs look like, but I'd appreciate any feedback

from experienced users.



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There is no felt light seal between the camera body and the film backs of my ETRS .The shoulder and grove excludes all stray light in any of my three backs and two Bronica bodies. The manual suggests it is good practise when changing backs once it is securly in place to slde out the dark slide and reinsert it to make shure the shutter lock is in place.I originally was surprised to find that with the mirror cocked a light tight seal is formed allowing lenses to be changed without the dark slide in place.
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