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Extended Warranty on Minolta 5400 Scanner?

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I've decided to purchase the Minolta DiMage 5400 scanner and this is

my first scanner purchase. The scanner comes with 90-day labor, 1-yr

parts warranty. Since I am not experienced with scanners (and their

breakdown record), can anyone let me know whether it's worth

investing an additional $199 for a 3-yr extended warranty? (The cost

of the scanner is already plenty so the additional warranty price is

a major stretch) I realize the Minolta is too new for most people to

assess whether it has a propensity towards mechanical/technical

problems but I'm assuming that film scanners in general probably are

either known or not known for being notorious repair candidates.


I have never gotten extended warranty on anything and never had any

problems but not being familiar with film scanners, I thought I

should ask. I should also state that my usage would be on the lower

end scale, probably a maximum of 20-36 slides/negatives per month if

that. Based on that, what do you think?

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I can only give you my own opinion on this but I don't buy extended warranties for anything. I have had a Microtek Artixscan 4000T for nearly 3 years without problems. I have bought a Minolta 5400 and it comes with a 2 year warranty in the UK. I certainly will not extend that. My view is that Japanese electronic goods last and last. In the long run it is cheaper to pay for the odd repair as and when it happens. (I have never had a camera or scanner break down.)
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You probably will have gotten rid of it long before the three year extended warrenty is up. Thats the way it goes with this sort of technology. I just ordered a 5400 too from B&H.


I did get a extended warrenty on my rototiller from Sears though.

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I can't answer for your particular scanner, but I've never bought an extended warranty for anything, and I've never had anything fail during what the warranty period would have been.


Therefore, I'm hundreds of dollars ahead and have saved more than enough to buy a new scanner. This is just the rationale I've needed to order that new scanner--sans extended warranty.


The best warranty is to buy quality products. The quality the company builds into the product is the warranty. When I buy and use a Honda I know it will work, and work for a long time.





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<< In the long run it is cheaper to pay for the odd repair as and when it happens >>


This is what the warranty companies have figured out, if it weren't so there wouldn't be any extended warranties.


If you do get burned just take consolation in knowing that you're a statistical freak, and start buying lottery tickets !

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Margaret, an extended warranty may not be such a bad idea if your scanner will see heavy use. I have the 5400, and I bought the Mack extended warranty from B&H for well under $100. That's because I'll be using the scanner to create digital files of tons of past work, as well as current wedding and portrait work.


If I was a typical "occasional user", I probably would have avoided the warranty.

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