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zion np in dec. where and what to shoot?


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Depends on what you consider reasonable. The high country like Cedar Breaks, Bryce, etc, may have restrictions or be closed out. It's not that far to Vegas if you are looking for something really different (about 2 hours). I don't know if North rim of the Grand Canyon is already closed. You could probably get to the Page/Lake Powell area. All this assumes that it's not actively storming in which case sittin' it out in yer lodgings seems nice.
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I'm near the area now. A lot of things are open but park staff are at minimum. Any parks/ monuments w/ cliff dwellings are mostly closed. Antelope canyon was closed last time I was here in Dec. The campground in Arches is closed but if camping you can stay right on the Colorado just out of Moab.


Crowds are small to non-existent. Weather is cold to very cold (10 deg. at night so far). Snow could be a travel problem.


Zion is a canyon, light may be a problem depending on the weather.


Have fun. And maybe I'll see you out here.

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Snow is possible but unlikely at Zion in Dec. Kolob Canyon section off I15 is more likely to have/get snow as altitude is higher. Nearby are Snow Canyon State Park and Coral Pink Sand Dunes SP. See my reply to Dotty Waxman about Snow Canyon. Also nearby and worth the trip is Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada, about 40 mi N of Las Vegas, off I15. Be sure to take the loop road by the visitor center. Gorgeous red rocks plus petroglyphs and other mixed color rock formations. And on the outskirts of Las Vegas is Red Rock Canyon, also nice.


Camera Country photo shop in St George can process C41 and E6 and did mine while I was out there. Las Vegas is 1 1/2 hrs from St George. Zion is about 45 minutes from St G. Bryce Canyon is about 2 hrs beyond Zion. Snow would be more likely there as altitude is greater.


Good luck and good shooting.

Bob Tescione


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